Dessert/ Ice Cream

Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream

Peanut Butter and Chocolate, what a combination!

Look over your shoulder.  What do you see?  I see summer gone in a flash. Where did it go? My knee rehab took most of my summer hours. I really missed getting in the pool for about 8 weeks and by the time I could get in the pool I was doing knee exercises. Now, I have to say that is not the way I want to enjoy the summer and the pool.

My idea of pool time is floating on a noodle or chair with a glass of wine in hand. Except what I was actually drinking when I did finally get in the pool was glass after glass of Pau d’arco tea that was suppose to be cleansing glands etc. and reducing swelling in the knee. I don’t know how anything made from the inner bark of a tree from South America could be the least bit refreshing. Well, I can just dream of next summer, a float, some wine or margaritas and maybe on a beach instead of a pool.

I seem to post most of my ice cream recipes in the summer and since I did make this a few weeks ago I want to post it even though fall is here and everyone is probably thinking of apple and pumpkin pie. It’s never the wrong time of the year to make ice cream.

A while back my son sent me a video of our grandson, Oliver, helping to make peanut butter cup ice cream. It was the cutest video.  I don’t think he had eaten any candy before helping his mom make this ice cream. So, his job was to stand on a chair and add the chopped peanut butter cups to the almost frozen ice cream. He starts adding the pieces of candy and it’s going pretty smoothly, one handful, two, three, maybe four little handfuls into the freezer. Then he decides to try the chopped pieces of chocolate and peanut butter; so one goes into his mouth, yum he thinks, then he picks up the second one and it almost makes it into the freezer then it also goes into his mouth then a third. I think he will be volunteering to make ice cream any time he sees the freezer being taken out.

So, before the chill is in the air, I hope you will try this ice cream recipe. A peanut butter cookie on the side would be a great addition.

The milk gets heated and then the peanut butter added and stirred just until melted.

Chopped Reeces Butter Cups.

When the ice cream is almost frozen, start dropping in the chopped pieces of peanut butter cups.

Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream


  • 1/2 c. peanut butter
  • 3/4 c. sugar
  • 1/2 c. heavy cream
  • 1 c. Half & Half
  • 1 c. whole milk
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 1/2 c. peanuts crushed, optional (I did not use this time)
  • 2   king size packages Reece's Peanut Butter Cups 8 cups total, chopped
  • chocolate syrup optional


  1. Heat the whole milk and then whisk in the peanut butter until it has melted. Remove from heat and add the sugar, the Half & Half and the heavy cream. Stir in the vanilla and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled. Pour into your ice cream maker and freeze for about 20 minutes.  Once it starts getting thick and almost frozen add in the chopped peanuts and the peanut butter cups and finish freezing.
  2. Pour into plastic containers, cover and freeze for a couple of hours before serving.
  3. Delicious drizzled with chocolate syrup and topped with crushed peanuts.

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