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Bread/ Morning Foods/ Scones

Blackberry Lime Scones with Blackberry Whip

Every scone I’ve made was the best until the next.

Every scone I’ve ever made I thought was the best until the next recipe. Every scone I have eaten out I tell myself I can do better. I don’t really care for just a plain cream scone; I like the fixins in them. Whether it is tiny currants, black walnut (one of my favorite), pistachio and blueberry, they are delicious hot out of the oven with some type of jam/cream/honey butter.

Blackberry is absolutely my favorite berry and fruit and I’m hoping when our house is underway enough that we can start our garden we can get some berries planted. I have an idea for putting some old split rail fencing someplace in the garden in a zig-zag pattern and have it loaded with blackberry and raspberry plants. I’m a big talker when it comes to gardening, I have the ideas and hub executes them. And when it gets really hot here in Texas I don’t want to be out in the heat. Now, there will be another thing to watch out for — snakes!!!

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Bread/ Breads/Biscuits/ Morning Foods/ Scones

Macadamia Nut Scones with Blackberry Jam

My sister, my friend, my wingman (girl) 'till the end

A few lyrics from an old Diana Ross song "when we grow up"
When I grow up, I’m gonna be happy and do what I like to do,
Like making noise and making faces and making friends like you.
And when we grow up, do you think we’ll see
That I’m still like you and you’re still like me?
I might be pretty; you might grow tall.
But we don’t have to change at all.
So, my twin sister, Terry, just left from her visit to Round Top. It’s always great having her visit because we can catch up on what’s going on, play my new favorite game (Five Crowns) she taught me, shop or do nothing at all and we are still much on the same page of what’s going on in our lives. She loved visiting Round Top Brewing (Paul & Brooke) and trying their Duck Confit Taco (and his delicious gumbo) and we played many a game of FC on the porch at the brewery.
I cooked a few new things while she was here (new for her) like my Halal Cart Style Chicken (she liked) and we tried our hand at Crispy Fried Rice & Green Beans after sampling it at a local venue. I feel like we have the recipe spot on now and have to say ours was pretty darn good.

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Bread/ Morning Foods/ Scones

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Scones

Peanut butter and chocolate!

Don’t you just love a good scone to go with a cup of tea. I’ve been experimenting with different flavors of scones over the years. Some of my favorites are still my Black Walnut Scone and I absolutely love the Orange and Golden Raisin scones I just posted about a couple of weeks ago. 

What is it about a scone anyway that seems to take you away to foreign places? Maybe it’s the hot pot of tea you made to go along with it or maybe its the Devonshire cream and the strawberry jam (fresh made even better) that you are going to slather on the scone that takes you to that place. When I’m having a pot of tea I usually think of tea at the Fairmont in Victoria, afternoon tea once in Jamaica at our resort, tea at the St. Regis in Houston or even my own house with some nice scones coming right out of the oven.

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Bread/ Morning Foods/ Scones

Orange and Golden Raisin Scones

What would a tea party be without some good scones!

I love parties, especially tea parties. I love tea, I love tea sandwiches, and most of all I love a good scone, slathered with devonshire cream (or clotted) and some strawberry jam.

These were recently served at a tea party that was auctioned off by our craft circle. Twenty ladies for the afternoon enjoying tea, sandwiches, savories, desserts and these delicious scones.

Over the years I have experimented with so many different recipes for scones; Black Walnut, Almond Coconut, Chocolate Cherry, Pumpkin Chocolate and one of my favorite has been my Walnut Lavender Scones. I’m sure I’ve made orange scones before maybe with raisins but for this one I decided to use golden raisins and then brush the tops with cream and add some of my hail sugar. 

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Appetizers/ Dessert/ Food Stories/ Morning Foods/ Sauces/ Scones

Devonshire Cream and the Proper Way to Eat a Scone

Too good to be a “Mock” anything.

I use to call my recipe for Devonshire Cream “Mock Devonshire Cream”, but this is too good to be a “mock” anything and I’m sure is better than anything you buy ready made in a jar.

Unless you have a cow out in your back yard where you can go milk her and take the unpasteurized milk and allow it to sit for 12-24 hours and then slowly heat it and then leave it to cool for another 12-24 hours you may want to make your own before going out and buying that cow just to get an authentic bowl of clotted cream to put on top of your scone to follow with jam. Devonshire cream is produced in Devon England.

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Bread/ Morning Foods/ Scones

Pumpkin Scones with a Splash of Chocolate

Ready for fall where ever you are?

Nothing says Fall, Halloween and Thanksgiving more than the sight of a pumpkin patch or the smell of something pumpkin cooking in the oven. And, it is starting to feel like fall here in Texas at least for a few days, but it would be great if those hot days were behind us for a few months.

I think pumpkin and chocolate make a great pairing in anything. Years ago I did a pumpkin chocolate chip muffins that is so good you will go back for seconds. And since I love making scones and I love taking baked items to craft circle this was a recipe waiting to happen and happened it did this past week I received so many compliments on this recipe I decided to post it right away because they can be made and frozen so during the holidays all you have to do is preheat your oven and pop these little pumpkins in the oven .

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Bread/ Morning Foods/ Scones

Walnut Lavender Scones

The scent of the lavender will sweep you away.

You will not be raising your pinky while you are having tea with these scones.

A few years ago (many years ago in fact) at a tea conference I learned two things that stuck with me. One, you never split a scone and put your jam and Devonshire cream on it and put it sandwiched back together (you eat the halves separate); and two, when you drink tea you REALLY aren’t suppose to hold your pinky out. Of course, you can eat and drink however you want but I guess that is correct tea etiquette. Hey, when I drink my tea sometimes it is in a cup with no handle.

I wanted to bring back some lavender from our trip to France a couple of years ago but didn’t; so when I saw this dried culinary lavender in a spice shop in Austin, I just had to buy some. Then, it took me about a year to get around to trying my scone recipe using the lavender to make the most “scentful” walnut scones I have made. And, it didn’t hurt that I had some lavender growing right outside my back door to get in the picture. Picture perfect.

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Bread/ Morning Foods/ Scones

Bacon, Cheddar and Chive Scones

I could live on bread alone. Could you?

So today, he gets a treat for breakfast and that’s going to be these bacon and cheddar scones.

Most people think of scones as being sweet, but a savory scone is just as delicious. I saw this recipe awhile back on King Arthur flour’s website and just knew that I would be making these for a very special breakfast; maybe some scrambled eggs, some good stone ground grits and a big bowl of milk gravy to go with them.

BLAST FROM THE PAST: EGGS AND PESTO STUFFED TOMATOES has been one of my favorite new breakfast dishes. Hope you will give it a try.

Such simple ingredients. You probably have these in your refrigerator.

I like to cut my bacon in 1″ pieces to fry then all you have to do is stir and no turning required.

Everything chopped up and ready to go into the dough.

My preferred method of cutting in the butter is to use my fingers.

You can either pat this out to a 7-8″ circle and cut in wedges or use a 2″ ring cutter and cut into circles.

These were delicious and the milk gravy was the best. I bought that cute little skillet in France.

Bacon Cheddar and Chive Scones


  • 2 c. King Arthur all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 Tbsp. baking powder
  • 2 tsp. sugar
  • 4 Tbsp. cold butter
  • 1 c. finely grated cheddar cheese
  • 1/3 c. snipped fresh slice or diced scallion tops green part only
  • 1/2 lb. bacon cooked, cooled, and crumbled, about 1 cup
  • 3/4 c. + 2 Tbsp. heavy cream


  1. Preheat the oven to 425°. Lightly grease a baking sheet, or line it with parchment.
  2. Whisk together the flour, salt, baking powder, and sugar
  3. Work the butter into the flour until the mixture is unevenly crumbled with some of the butter remaining in large pieces.
  4. Mix in the cheese, chives (onion) and bacon until evenly distributed.
  5. Add 3/4 cup of the cream, stirring to combine. Try squeezing the dough together if it's crumbly and won't hang together or if there are crumbs remaining in the bottom of the bowl, add cream until the dough comes together. Transfer the shaggy dough to a well floured work surface.
  6. Pat the dough into a smooth 7" disk about 3/4" thick. Transfer the disk to the prepared baking sheet.
  7. Use a knife or bench knife to cut the disk into 8 wedges, spreading the wedges apart a bit on the pan.
  8. Brush the scones with a bit of cream; this well help their crust brown.
  9. Bake the scones for 22 to 24 minutes until they are golden brown. Remove them from the oven, and cool right on the pan. Serve warm, or at room temperature.
  10. Yield 8 large scones.
  11. Tip: If you want to make these and freeze, after you cut them, put them on a cookie sheet and freeze. When firm enough to wrap, wrap individually and put in a ziploc bag. When you're ready to bake, remove the scones, place on a baking sheet, brush with cream and let thaw about 10-15 minutes then bake in preheated 425° oven for 35-40 minutes until golden brown.
  12. **Note: I added maybe an extra tablespoon or two of the cream as it was still a bit crumbly and needed the additional cream to come together. I also used the green onion stems instead of the chives. Either one would work great.

Bread/ Morning Foods/ Sauces/ Scones

Chocolate Cherry Scones

Chocolate and Cherries a perfect match!

Once upon a time I wanted to open a tea room but I gave up on that idea and realized I could still do the same types of foods that I loved to make for parties I catered. I love doing baby showers, and showers of all sorts because it gives me a chance to try new scone recipes and all sorts of finger sandwiches and little foods. Check out the Baby Button Cookies I made for a shower a few weeks ago. They were delicious and oh, so cute.

I love scones that are buttery, flaky and filled with either lemon curd or Devonshire cream. I usually make a mock Devonshire cream for parties and on occasion will buy the real thing from the grocery even though it is about $5-$6 a jar. I get very disappoint when I have a scone that is nothing more than a biscuit with a little sugar added in and not really a scone at all.

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Bread/ Morning Foods/ Scones

Almond Coconut Chocolate Scones

I love scones and this Glueten-free recipe does not disappoint.

Somewhere around Mardi Gras this year, my daughter Alexis challenged me to go Grain-free and gluten free until Easter. I did really well adapting recipes using almond flour and as I always like a challenge, I ordered a 5-lb. bag of almond meal online and set about trying crackers and scone recipes from Elana Amsterdam’s book “Almond Free Gluten free cookbook”.


I started with Elana’s Chocolate Chip Scone and added sliced, crushed toasted almonds and some unsweetened coconut to the mixture. These are so easy and healthy you just feel like “hey, I can have that second one if I want”.  Although, I don’t have to eat Gluten-free, it was fun trying different things with the almond flour. The cheese crackers and these scones I will definitely keep making even though our challenge has ended.

If you ate way tooooo much to eat over the Thanksgiving holidays, try making these little scones for a sweet treat and not feel guilty afterwards.

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