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Beef/ Beef/Veal/ Pasta/ Pork

Mazetti AKA Johnny Marzetti

This recipe bring back memories of my adventure into cooking.

As a newly wed back in 1969, Good Housekeeping cookbook (copyright 1963) was one of my first cookbooks.

One of the first things I was looking for in our new home, (fast forward to 2024) was a special place to put all my cookbooks. The day I wanted to make some choux puffs (cream puff shells) to use for a tea sandwich I knew where to look; not on the internet but the same book I have gone back to for almost 55 years for making cream puffs or a savory shell to use for a tea party and that was my Good Housekeeping cookbook.

Now, the book. Upon opening it, I thought I would start sneezing, and I did. Not only had it been in storage for 4 years, it has been around my house for 55 so it has a really musty smell. There are so many recipes I want to revisit and try to update from this book and the Mazetti (aka Marietta) recipe is one of them. The GH version calls for canned tomato soup and that is something I never liked anyway so this version is a little old and a little new and perfect for a weekend dinner for the family.

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Beef/Veal/ Beef/Veal/ Entree

Stuffed Bell Peppers with Cauliflower Rice

Stuffed Peppers for dinner!

Don’t you love bell peppers, and to stuff them with something healthy and delicious makes them even better.

I have some pepper planted outside this year. We’ll see what they produce.  I’ve also planted some shishito peppers and I’m really hoping they produce big time; also trying some okra, and cherry tomatoes in our tiny back yard garden at our tiny house here in Round Top.

My mother always made stuffed peppers with cooked rice mixed with the hamburger meat on the inside and I loved them that way and still make them occasionally. Sometimes I can shut my eyes and see her cooking in the kitchen and smell the food I remember her cooking. There’s this one song, “The Wayward Wind”, I still remember playing in the background from a transistor radio while she is cooking. Do you have memories like this?

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Beef/Veal/ Beef/Veal/ Entree

Zucchini Enchiladas

Delicious and healthy too.

Have a garden? Growing zucchini? Have some very large ones you don’t know what to do with? Well, this recipe is for you, and healthy to boot.

If you’ve been looking around my blog for a while you’ve probably noticed that my site is not a “diet” site (and never will be) but neither is it loaded with fat; well maybe some recipes tend to be a little fattening. By what kind of life would this be if we didn’t enjoy good food occasionally.

I have to say that after our trip to Canada this summer I was afraid to get on the scales. We discovered Tim Horton’s chain which has the most delicious donuts and pastries. Then there is all that delicious food we allowed our selves to eat — pates, rillette’s, tea at the Fairmont, more alcohol than I’ve had in a year and desserts every meal; and why not since we were celebrating (again) our 50th wedding anniversary.  Oh, I forgot, in Quebec City our hotel left a picnic basket every morning on our door full of pastries, cheeses, fruit and much more. So, after a month being back I decided I’d better weigh and face the music.  Even though there was a gain, it was only .02 of a lb. So all that food was more than worth the calories I consumed while traveling.

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Beef/Veal/ Entree/ Sandwiches

The Humble Sloppy Joes

Not your ordinary sloppy joe.

I found myself this morning making biscuits just the way my mother did — make them from scratch, pat them out about 1″ thick, cut with a biscuit cutter and THEN melt some bacon fat on the pan that I’m going to bake the biscuits on; and then if all that bacon fat isn’t enough, you put a biscuit on top of the fat and then flip it over so both surfaces (bottom and top) of the biscuit is coated with the delicious salty fat. Then, and only then, do you bake them in the oven. Now, that is a biscuit.

I think we all have recipes that were family favorites whether it is a simple biscuit, sandwich or something that takes hours or even days to prepare.

Who hasn’t had a Sloppy Joe at some time in their life. No one, I don’t think.  I was never a fan of the canned Sloppy Joe mixes that one can buy and mix with some cooked hamburger meat and call it a sandwich or the ones that were served to us in our school cafeterias that were nothing more than cooked hamburger and ketchup.

A while back, we were at my sister’s house and she made a huge pot of OUR favorite cooked sandwich filling and that brought back memories of this little overlooked sandwich that I have not made in years and made the same way our mother and grandmother use to make them. Serve on a soft hamburger bun, a pile of potato chips and some pickles and you will have the best Sloppy Joe you have put in your mouth.

So, here it is in all it’s glory. A pretty simple sandwich with a surprise ingredient which is Chicken Gumbo Soup. I have no idea where this recipe came from as we have been making it this way since the 50’s and with the same Campbell’s Chicken Gumbo Soup. I think the soup adds more texture and taste with the little bits of rice and okra that’s part of the soup.

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