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Egg Dishes

Appetizers/ Egg Dishes/ Morning Foods

Avocado Toast #2

Take 2!

Back in 2016 I made an avocado toast after having something similar at Willa Jean’s restaurant in New Orleans. Well this is take 2.

I love boiled eggs in/on just about anything. Who doesn’t love a good egg salad, deviled eggs, or boiled eggs and cottage cheese (my favorite lunch)? Potato salad would not be the same without chopped boiled eggs. And what would a good ham salad be without some chopped egg?

This avocado toast is done with a baguette and with the grated boiled egg it is easier to eat with your hands than a knife and fork. I love the other version with the toasted French bread and perfectly poached egg but you will want to eat that one with a knife and this new favorite version of mine is a little messy, so you will want to lean into your plate while eating it. I love a squeeze of lime over the finished toast and I didn’t have any red onion or I would have added some finely chopped to the layers.

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Egg Dishes/ Morning Foods

Savory Dutch Baby with Gouda and Crispy Prosciutto

Dutch babies whether sweet or savory are so much fun!

In case you have never make a sweet or savory Dutch baby pancake you are in for a treat if you try this savory version.

What is a Dutch baby pancake you say? Well it is a cross between a pancake, a popover, Yorkshire pudding and maybe a crepe and it is baked rather than pan fried in a skillet  I’ve made a sweet version before and when it came out of the oven it was scattered with fresh blueberries and sprinkled with powdered sugar. 

This savory version I made recently when friends visited during the antique show here in Round Top. This version has gouda cheese and some crispy prosciutto and garnished with micro greens.

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A.M. Side Dishes/ Egg Dishes/ Morning Foods

Ham and Egg Waffle

A waffle-less waffle!

I love a good waffle and my waffle with bacon is to die for (I really don’t like that expression but they are the best) but this waffle doesn’t get syrup or butter but could get a good cheese sauce or hollandaise sauce poured over the top after it comes out brown and crispy from your waffle iron.

When I first started this blog back in 2009 breakfast was my least favorite meal to post about. I don’t care for scrambled eggs and that’s about all my husband wants. He actually use to scramble his eggs (before work, before he retired) in the microwave. Ugh!. So I started experimenting with egg dishes and I have to say I have some pretty fantastic “brunch”, “breakfast” recipes here. Take a look around in the “Morning Foods” section when you get a chance.

For this recipeI used my Belgium waffle maker (All-Clad). Most of my 52 (almost) years of marriage I had a normal thin waffle maker that was the flip type that the plates could be reversed for a grill top. But after getting this All-Clad back in my “working for Williams Sonoma days” I learned to like the thickness and crispness that the Belgium waffle maker gave to the finished product. So, if you don’t have the thicker waffle maker give your other one a try. If you don’t have one just try pour the mixture into a pan and baking.

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Egg Dishes/ Morning Foods/ Pork

Crustless Broccoli and Ham Quiche

Virus inspired weekend breakfast.

(Note: My post may be spaced a little further apart for a few weeks as we are packing and moving to Round Top. Looking forward to many new adventures there.)

Why virus inspired? Well since all this madness started a several months ago I’ve been trying not to waste anything. Normally we don’t like to eat leftovers but even my husband said “lets don’t waste our food”. 

Digging through the freezer I found about a cup of chopped ham, some broccoli, had the mushrooms and always have eggs and milk so I whipped this up one weekend morning. Doesn’t every day feel like the weekend? 

What are you doing these days for breakfast?  Cereal, pancakes, waffles, something fancier. Well now’s the time to try one of my recipes from “morning foods” section. You have nothing but time so give one of them a try and if you do, leave a note (please) in the comment section.

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ColdApp/ Egg Dishes/ Morning Foods/ Salads

Oeuf Mayonnaise

Ei, veze, arrautza, oeuf, Muna, Uovo, Ubh! Or just EGG!

An egg by any other name would still be just an EGG. Just as Juliet once said “What’s in a name?”, That which we call an “egg” (sorry William) “by any other name would taste the same”. So whether you are saying Ei (Dutch), Veze (Albanian), Arrautza (Basque), Oeuf (French), Muna (Finnish( , Uovo (Italian), or Ubh (Irish) it’s still just an egg and for this recipe it’s a chicken egg.

I first saw oeuf mayonnaise on a food blog and to me looked like eggs sitting on top of grits. Not until I comment on David Lebovitz’s site did I know how wrong I was (and stupid) because I thought the stuff on the plate was “grits” (of course they had to be cheese grits) but the halved boiled eggs were sitting on top of homemade mayonnaise. 

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Egg Dishes/ Morning Foods

Sunday Morning Quiche

With or without a crust this is delicious!

Recently we had some old friends drop by on their way back to Nebraska (Chuck, Polly and their son) and we asked another couple from our past (Chevron friends Tony and Jane) who lives in The Woodlands to come over for brunch.

It was great catching up with each other and what better way to do it than sharing a meal. This recipe comes from another friend, Sally who now lives in Minnesota and one she shared with me back in the 70’s when we lived in Ft. Madison, Iowa.  Sally, if I have changed this recipe from the original, let me know. Sometimes I start straying off in another direction and lose my original recipe.

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Bread/ Egg Dishes/ Morning Foods

Quiche with Bacon and Peas

Moo moo here, moo moo there, moo moo everywhere.

We were in Warrenton (Texas) in October visiting our son and his family who just moved there from Austin to open a Nano Brewery in Roundtop sometime in the spring 2020.

They moved an old farmhouse on their property and have been renovating it for months now. We (mostly my hub) has been going over to help some. This week’s project was to put a gate up at the front of their property. My job was to make some drapes for the dining area along with cooking some homemade goodies to have in their freezer.

One day I decided to walk up and check the progress on the gate. The house is half a mile back from the road so I’m walking, walking, looking around, walking, eyeing the cows and bulls to see if they were going to “charge” me. I imagine me laid out on the road crushed by a big cow when the guys come back from working on the gate. I think I need to get use to those cows and country life.

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Egg Dishes/ Morning Foods

Fancy Egg Scramble Casserole

No this isn’t just another strata it has delicious hidden ingredients.

A strata is usually loaded with a lot of bread to soak up the eggy mixture. This recipe is held together with a yummy, chees sauce with only bread crumbs added to the top for some extra crunch.

I’ve had this recipe since early 70’s; and it was a Welcome Wagon favorite served at one of the brunches we had during the year. This casserole recipe and my Frozen Fruit Salad have remained two of my favorites for over 40 years now. Boy, does that ever date me.

So, if you are looking for a different breakfast casserole when you have guests for the weekend, give this a try. I’ve always said that breakfast is my least favorite meal. But, when I look back at some of the egg dishes I’ve posted here, there are quite a few that I could eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner. If you have a few minutes to spare look under “morning foods” and some of my a.m. favorites.

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Egg Dishes/ Morning Foods

Ham, Mushroom, and Grits Breakfast Casserole

This is one good breakfast casserole and another grits recipe.

I love grits and I really love stone ground grits. The grits in this recipe are Charleston stone ground white grits. I thought I was ordering the mixed (yellow and white) grits but clicked a little too fast on Amazon. To me, stone ground grits are the best and if not stone ground then regular grits, not the instant variety.

The weekend we were getting our kitchen back together after the paint job, I decided to make something nice for breakfast. We had been eating out every meal for over a week even though the painting only took four days, we had a mountain of pans and dishes and stuff to go through before my kitchen was back in operation. Just getting my pantries (food & pan) back together was so great because I didn’t have that “hoarder” feeling any longer. I don’t think I could have looked at all those piles of pans, gadgets one day longer.

Were you raised eating grits for breakfast? We weren’t, in fact, I don’t think I even ate grits until I was older and my mother started making cheese grits to go with bbq. I remember when we were living in Overland Park, KS and one of my back neighbors was from Atlanta and I told her I had never eaten a bowl of plain grits with just butter and salt and pepper. I knew I loved cheese grits but not sure about the plain ones that looked like a bowl of gruel. Well, one morning she showed up at my back door with a bowl of hot buttered grits. We had no fences in this neighborhood so you could just walk over and visit with someone without having to go to front door or gates to get in. Those grits were so good. I don’t remember the girl’s name but I do remember her grits.

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Egg Dishes/ Morning Foods

Grits, Greens, and Egg

Get your greens early in the day.

Do you get enough greens everyday? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. With this recipe you can get some greens with your breakfast.

Originally I had planned on using fresh baby kale and sautéing it and putting that around my grits. But, the morning I made this I went to the refrig to grab my bag of greens and it wasn’t there. I forgot I used it a couple nights earlier to make my pork and kale dish. Luckily I had a bag of frozen spinach in my freezer.

I’m probably the only person reading this post that actually likes canned spinach. I always have a few cans in my pantry and always have some in the freezer and still buy fresh spinach when I want it in a salad.

This recipe turned out really good and looks oh so good in a bowl or plate. I love dishes like this one that combines a lot of flavor and fits neatly in a bowl. The bacon adds the saltiness you want, creamy cheese grits go so well with the spinach and the perfectly fried egg I did in my little pan I brought back from France makes the perfectly composed plate. And you’ll notice the grated yellow stuff on top of the egg. Well, that’s my cured egg yolk that took me 6 days to make. (More on that in another post.)

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Egg Dishes/ Morning Foods

Breakfast Stuffed Potato

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, this will fill you up.

I know I’m always saying that breakfast is my least favorite meal of the day and it still is and that’s why I’m always looking for something special to make on the weekends. If you eat this potato for breakfast you probably won’t be that hungry at lunch but that’s ok; that’s reason enough for me to eat my favorite lunch of cottage cheese and boiled egg and tomato.

This past week we were in Austin babysitting our 2 year old grandson, Thomas. Talk about a cutie pie, just to hear him say the work “snack” and they way he draws that word out brings a smile to my face; and like his Gran, he loves cottage cheese. He uses it as a dip on his favorite water cracker.

I remember when he was younger (that’s not too long ago) he would eat salmon roe with his little fingers and eat all kinds of things I probably wouldn’t eat. This week I had a list of things to prepare while his mom and dad were vacationing; things like lamb meat balls, cheese, eggs, all kinds of fruits, empanadas that mom made and put in the freezer and he loves his bread. On Fridays at school he makes challah and when he came home with his little bag the first thing he says is “my challah”. Everything that week was “my…” , “my helicopter in the sky”, “my truck”, “my bus” (the real ones) and when he saw a picture of his mom and dad it was “my momma” and “my dadda”.

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Egg Dishes/ Morning Foods

Eggs Baked in Cream Gravy with Bacon

Eggs, Bacon and Gravy, what more could you ask for.

Recently I was looking through a stack of food magazines tearing out recipes before the magazines got trashed. I saw a recipe in Southern Living magazine for Creamy Baked Eggs with herbs.

This particular recipe was baked in cream and herbs and got me thinking that wouldn’t gravy be a lot better tasting than just cream. I’m thinking a nice thin milk gravy made with bacon drippings, of course, would be so good with the eggs and then a good sprinkling of crumbled bacon and maybe some fresh chives and parsley. Then all this goodness could be scooped up and put on a big biscuit square.

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