Appetizers/ ColdApp/ Dessert/ Garnish

Dried Pineapple Flowers

I love Martha! and this recipe is from her Cupcake cookbook.

I think Martha is one of those names that you just have to say the first name and everyone just knows who you are talking about.

I taught a technique class on cakes and cupcakes the other day at Williams Sonoma. It was a fun class to teach and I love sharing recipes and ideas with everyone that comes to our classes. Even though I didn’t do any cake decorating, we made a Whipped Cream Frosting that my mother use to make way back in the 50’s. I like playing with food and making garnishes and platter decorations and everything but have never had the patience to learn to decorate cakes. So, these little pineapple flowers really did the trick to finish off a cake I had made for the class.

I plan on making these little flowers to put on top of Hummingbird cupcakes for a party I’m catering before a Jimmy Buffet concert. I think these will look so tropical and will fit well with the theme of the party.

Cut off the top and the bottom of the pineapple.

Cut off the sides. Using a small tipped spoon (baby or demitasse spoon), dig out the “eyes” of the pineapple. This will give the ruffled edges of the dried flower.  The pineapple then gets cut in very thin slices. I’m going to try my mandoline the next time I do these.

These get baked on either a Silpat or parchment lined cookie sheet.

Here they are so cute sitting on the tray. And they taste great. Kind of like a pineapple gummy flower.

Pineapple Flowers


  • 1 large "gold" pineapple peeled


  1. Preheat the oven to 225°. Line two baking sheets with nonstick baking mats or parchment paper. Using a small spoon, remove and discard pineapple "eyes". Use a sharp knife to cut pineapple crosswise into very thin slices. Place slices on baking sheets. Bake until completely dried, 25 to 30 minutes (or longer, depending on their thickness). Pinch center of each pineapple slice to shape into a cone; let cool in a clean muffin tin to form flower. Once cool, flowers can be stored (stacked) up to 3 days at room temperature in an airtight container.
  2. *Note, do not buy a cored pineapple. Also try to cut very thin slices. It will take a lot longer to dry out if you have thick slices plus I don't think they will curl up as nice if they are cut thick.



  • Reply
    Caroline Hart
    March 27, 2010 at 5:16 am

    I can’t wait to try the pineapple flowers. What a great edible garnish! Thanks

  • Reply
    Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Garnish – Rosemary and the Goat
    October 16, 2019 at 6:44 am

    […] kids and grandkids will love seeing these during the holidays. Here’s a dried Pineapple Flower that would be great on any dessert this […]

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