Appetizers/ HotApp

Truffled Parmesan Frites

Frites? What’s a Frite anyway? — French fries!! Come on now, can’t she do better than that you say.

The idea for this appetizer came from our anniversary trip to NYC back in September that we took with two of our friends also celebrating their anniversary.  We did the walking tour of Greenwich Village that I told you about in an earlier post. I don’t go any place that I don’t come back with some idea for a new appetizer to try.

One of the restaurants we visited on the tour (Palma) gave us these little bamboo cones filled with fried artichoke petals. For some reason, my brain seems like it is constantly in motion like a pinball machine bouncing all over the place, because the whole time we are standing their eating our little artichoke petals out of the bamboo cones, instead of listening, I’m thinking “OK, what can I do in these cute little cones for a catering  job”. And, if you have any great ideas of what to serve in these, I would like to hear about them. I have also done cubed melon with proscuitto and balsamic.  Maybe some fried orka would be good??

A bar in our hotel in NYC served truffled fries, sprinkled with truffle salt. So, I’m thinking, I could do shoestring potatoes, sprinkled with Truffle oil (cheaper than using a lot of truffle salt), and sprinkled with Kosher salt and finely grated Parmesan cheese.  I made them and they were delicious.

This past weekend we were in Austin celebrating the world’s cutest grandson’s (our first) first birthday. They decided on Popeye theme party and his dad made a popeye cake and mini slider burgers, of course, and a few spinach things also. So the french fries were a must on the menu. The guests gobbled them up like crazy. I’ll defiitely be doing them again.

Here is the site where I ordered the cones, one site is considerably cheaper than the other but it just depends on the color of the cones you want. I like both. and

So, even though this isn’t a very fancy or complicated recipe, I think these could be a hit at your next party. I’m on to my next appetizer now — sausage lollipops.

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  • Reply
    Christine @ Fresh Local and Best
    January 16, 2010 at 8:24 pm

    I adore truffle fries, it’s one of those great comfortable luxuries.

  • Reply
    January 17, 2010 at 7:27 am

    Wow using truffle oil is a great idea, these must be so light and crisp. What kind of potatoes did you use? I love shoestrings have never been able to get them cripsy enough they burn…these look wonderful! Did you frie them or bake them sounded like you fried them but then when you said you sprinkled with with truffle oil I wasnt sure? Anyway the parmesan sounded awesome… I have had the artichokes being from NY okra didnt sound too appetizing to me, but fried asparagus is fabulous and dipped in curry sauce!

    • Reply
      April 9, 2010 at 6:12 am

      I used frozen “shoestring” potatoes. I have tried bigger fries but they don’t work as well in my bamboo cones. I have tried baking them, but frying works much better. I’m borrowing my sons deep fryer in May do fry these for a party I’m catering. I sprinkle with truffle oil after they come out of deep fryer (or oven)

  • Reply
    Sherry -- aka rosemaryandthegoat
    January 17, 2010 at 8:06 am

    I fried them using my son’s deep fryer. they worked great. I tried baking them at a party (for 40) and it too at least 25 minutes). I drizzled the black truffle oil and if you don’t want it that strong, use white truffle oil. (I buy mine at Oil and Vinegar Store). I bought frozen “shoestring” potatoes. The very thin ones are too big for my cones. I also think a tempura green bean would be good and a lot cheaper than asparagus. I may try the aspargus though for friends. Hope you try them.

  • Reply
    January 17, 2010 at 9:30 am

    That’s looks delicious

  • Reply
    January 17, 2010 at 3:34 pm

    Practical and good looking at the same time. Those bamboo wraps are so cool! : )

  • Reply
    Elle (Bromography)
    January 19, 2010 at 12:49 pm

    I love the bamboo cones! These would definitely be a hit.

  • Reply
    Caveman Cooking
    January 19, 2010 at 5:22 pm

    Now that is Pomme Frite I can get down with!

  • Reply
    May 12, 2010 at 4:32 am

    Thanks for sharing this link! Love the bamboo cones 🙂 And as I mentioned before, love, love, love fries. The whole “fries in a cone” reminds me of my trip to Europe. Good luck on the party!!

  • Reply
    May 2, 2012 at 11:38 am

    For my daughter’s wedding last year the caterer did these but put them in the tiny chinese takeout cartons. Easier to serve as they stood up on the tray.

  • Reply
    May 18, 2017 at 8:57 am

    Did you fry these in truffle oil and then sprinkle them with more truffle oil, kosher salt and parmesan after they came out or did you fry them in a different type of oil? They look wonderful.

    • Reply
      June 7, 2017 at 9:14 am

      I fried these in regular vegetable oil and then barely sprinkled on the truffle oil once they were fried.

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