Appetizers/ Entree/ Fish/Seafood/ Food Stories/ Game/ HotApp/ Pork

Friday night fights!

Friday night fights!

(There isn’t a recipe today but just a little story about how we love frog legs and our fried fish and another look at a few of our family favorites.)

On any given Friday night when we were kids (my twin sister and brother) we would probably be in front of a black and white tv watching The Gillette Cavalcade of Sports (Boxing). I guess that was my dad’s favorite sport to watch. (I learned a lot about Gillette razor blades every Friday night.)  Many of those Friday nights would  involve a fish fry with family friends or if my dad had gone frog gigging then he would have taken out his boat that he made to float ditches and gigged us some frogs. This boat was made from welding two car hoods together and was perfect for going down some of the bayous like Black Island or Wolf Island or any of the ditches full of rain water and overflowing with croaking bull frogs ready to give it up for a delicious dinner for our family.

Our dad could pretty much do anything. I’ve called him a Renaissance Man in one of my post about his hushpuppy recipe (which is the best hushpuppy you will ever put in your mouth.) Even though a lot of our meals were things like fried pork chops, fish, meatloaf, duck and other game, delicious stews and soups; just simple good food, there was a lot of love and care that went into preparing all those meals. Our mother was a stay-at-home mom and had lunch ready for my dad every day and then a nice meal ready every night about the time he came home.

I think my love for cooking and trying different things came from watching them cook over the years. My dad experimented with cooking turtle several ways and his creole duck was great. My recipes at the beginning of our 54 year marriage were much simpler than they are now. I love cooking, bring it on, I’ll try just about anything.

When we get in our new home I would like to start doing something special, once a week, or month or even once every season where I go all out, cook for friends and enjoy the food, good cocktails and new and old friendships.

A frog fry on White Street one night just the two of us; not everyone appreciates a good fried frog leg.

And what about this crappie? Yum.

Here are a few family recipe that deserve another look:

My dad’s favorite hushpuppy recipe: My Dad’s Favorite Hushpuppies

A Very Good Cassoulet

Redfish with Crab Maque Choux was a recipe my son Paul made one weekend when they visited The Woodlands. I remember it because it was so good I did not want to take the last bite.

The Best Egg Rolls that my sister and I have made for decades. 

BLAST FROM THE PAST: It’s Not Always About the Food is a post I did after my husband made me dinner 14 years ago after I had worked a long day. I so appreciated that meal and I still appreciate every time he cooks something for us on the grill or Kamado Joe smoker; inside or out I will share my kitchen with him.


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