Cake/ Dessert

Whipped Cream Frosting

Time tested recipe from the 50’s!

This recipe is all about the frosting and not about the cake. This is best on chocolate or Red Velvet cake and you can make whatever recipe you want for the cake but please try this, it will become a favorite.

The dried pineapple flowers add a beautiful touch to this cake. Although I wouldn’t put pineapples on a chocolate cake (this cake) they would work really well on a Hummingbird cake or a pineapple cake. I will post the how to on the pineapple slices this coming week.

My mother was a wonderful baker and she made all sorts of things when we were growing up. She use to do this special cake around Thanksgiving called Amalgamation Cake. It had ground raisins, nuts, coconut, blackberry jam and almost a dozen eggs. What I remember most about this cake is she would make it a couple of weeks in advance, wrap it really well with plastic wrap and set it on the floor in the closet and over the next couple of weeks the flavors would all meld together into this wonderful tasting holiday cake. Over the years I have told myself I was going to enter that recipe in a contest because I have never seen a recipe with these ingredients.

My mother had a group of friends who met for coffee once a week and they did this for 30 years (or more). I’m sure she was always trying out her new recipes on the group when it was her time to be hostess.  Can you image what kind of things they would discuss about their children and their lives? Life was so much simpler back in the 50’s-60’s when we were kids that they couldn’t possibly have had any of the same concerns that parents do these days.  No Internet, no violent video games, music with warning labels etc.  My favorite 45 records were things like “Little” Stevie Wonder playing “Fingertips” or Debbie Reynolds singing ” Tammy” and movies like Gidget and Frankie and Annette in all their “beach party” movies. Our racey movies were Splendor in the Grass and Peyton Place.

So while going down memory lane the other day, I thought about this frosting recipe that one of my mother’s friend (Carol***)gave her back in the 60’s and I have been making it for 40 years, at least. It is called Whipped Cream Frosting but there is no whipping cream in this recipe. This is really an unusual recipe as you take milk and flour and cook it until you make a paste and then this gets mixed in with the butter and sugar to create this wonderful frosting.

***UPDATE– The internet is wonderful.  I have been looking for my mother’s friend for years and today I found her son online and emailed him and he said he had just spent the week with his mom and he would give her my information.  I so wanted to tell her my Williams Sonoma story and how when I worked there I would make her frosting to go on the cake mixes we sold and I knew everyone would be wanting the recipe for the frosting, and sure enough they did. No telling how many people over the years I gave that recipe to and everytime I though of my mother and her friend Carol.

The butter and sugar gets creamed for 8-10 minutes, not a minute less.

This is the paste mixture that is made by cooking milk and flour and then it gets chilled until it is very cold.

After the mixture has been beaten for 8 minutes the milk “paste” mixture gets added in and then it is beaten another 4 minutes.

One layer of cake, frosting and then top with second layer.

If you want to do a three layer cake. Make 2 times the recipe. My mother use to split two layers into four layers and it would make a beautifully high cake. You will need a double frosting recipe for sure if you are doing a 3 or 4 layer cake. You can never have too much frosting.

I used a waffle cutter (the kind to cut vegetables or cheese) to get the wavy designs on the cake. I use to have a cake comb that would have done the trick but I couldn’t find it when I needed it. So, I topped with the pineapples to get a finished look for this frosting. Grated chocolate or chocolate curls look really great on this chocolate cake.

Whipped Cream Frosting


  • 1 c. milk
  • 4 Tbsp. flour
  • 2 sticks cold unsalted butter
  • 1 c. sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla or vanilla bean paste


  1. Put the milk and flour in a small saucepan and heat it until it starts to thicken. Using a whisk, stir until the mixture is very thick.  It is going to start looking like paste. Pour this into a bowl and refrigerate until very cold.
  2. In mixer bowl with either the paddle or whisk attachment start beating the two sticks of cold butter and slowly add in the 1 cup sugar. Beat this for 8 minutes (not one minute less), scraping down the bowl occasionally. (You may want to add a couple of minutes since you will be stopping and scraping a couple of times.) Add the chilled milk flour mixture a spoon at a time and beat this for exactly 4 minutes.  If you beat less, the sugar will still be grainy. Add the vanilla flavoring.  If you want a chocolate frosting you can add cocoa during the last beating.
  3. I normally make 1 1/2 recipes of the frosting if I want to do the 4 layers of cake.  Refrigerate after frosting. This will set up firm and has a whipped cream texture and taste and holds up so much better than whipped cream.
  4. Hope you will try one of my favorite recipes from my past.


  • Reply
    Kristi Rimkus
    March 22, 2010 at 7:10 am

    Beautiful cake!

  • Reply
    March 13, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    hi, i just read your information regrding your whipped cream frosting and about your mom. I loved what you said about your mom. this was so sweet. I am 53 years old and own a cafe in nj where i cook and love to bake, i make up my own recipes, as a young girl i would watch my mom and grandmother cook and bake with no recipes to give or save. i think it is so special that you have theses recipes and that you are willing to share. Thank you. theresa

  • Reply
    May 6, 2011 at 9:09 am

    What a great recipe! I can’t wait to try it. After the cake is frosted, will I need to refrigerate it?

  • Reply
    May 6, 2011 at 9:43 am

    Yes you will need to refrigerate it. And this isn’t a frosting you can make and refrigerate before frosting cake because it sets up pretty firm. I usually set a iced cake out about 30 minutes before cutting or if you like it really firm, serve right out of refrigerator. I used this frosting yesterday for a tea I did for our garden club. I make mini black forest tarts using my brownie recipe, baking in tiny bundt pans (2″) putting a rosette of this frosting and then dipping a marachino cherry in chocolate and setting on top of frosting. Really turned out cute.

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