Food Stories

Re-visited Recipes Buy Alprazolam Pills Some of my most viewed recipes. Only occasionally do I get comments on recipes I post. I wish I got them more often especially if someone out there ever tries any of the things I make and post; but even if I don’t I get excited seeing how the count continues to go up on people searching for recipes to try.

Soma 350Mg Tablets So I decided to sort through some of the most viewed things and see if by chance you missed these. PEANUT BUTTER SHADOW COOKIES My all time highest viewed recipe is the Peanut Butter Shadow cookie that I have made since the 70’s. Don’t ask me how 21,023 people even found this recipe. They would have had to Google Peanut Butter Shadow Cookies. Anyway, it is a delicious cookie full of peanut butter and chocolate. BACON WRAPPED DATES WITH BALSAMIC

If you love dates then you will love these Bacon Wrapped Dates with Balsamic — 3,015 views. I love the sweet and salty taste of this appetizer. And appetizers are one of my favorite things to make. DSC_2636 SWEET POTATO BISCUITS WITH HAM AND ORANGE MARMALADE Sweet Potato This little gem of an appetizer is a recipe I use to make for parties I catered. I loved making these for parties because I could make the biscuits ahead and freeze and then the day before the party put them together and cover with foil and simply warm in the oven when I got to the party. I hope some of the 6,130 viewers someone tried them. My daughter made these for a Derby party back in May and she said they disappeared quickly. HAWAIIAN COCONUT SHRIMP WITH ORANGE MARMALADE SAUCE

In a year I jumped from 693 “views” to 3,227. Hope you will add to that number. These were delicious. I don’t think you can go wrong with any shrimp recipe. IMG_2686 CHOCOLATE MOUSSE AND SALTED CARAMEL ICE CREAM

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After wedding dress shopping with my daughter a couple of years ago we had this yummy dessert at a local restaurant in Austin. I could not wait to try to recreate the dessert and I think I came pretty close to the one we had at the end of a long day of trying on wedding dresses. –3,504 viewers on this one. CITRUS FLOWER GARNISH Lemon-Blog-pictures-012

I have always loved playing with food. In a Garde Manger class I took years ago I couldn’t wait to get to the store to buy fruits and vegetables to see what I could come up with. I have shown my garden club how to make this flower and I use to make it all the time for platter garnishes. I can probably make this in less than 10 minutes. My “views” on this went from 3,524 to 6,039 and when I just posted this recipe it had gone to 9,864. So, hopefully I taught just one of those people how to make a citrus flower.

DE-RAILED THOMAS THE TRAIN CAKE Now my most favorite of them all is the De-railed Thomas the train cake. My fault that the frosting did not turn out right; I was giving my son the amounts and I flubbed up. Anyway, how 14,474 people saw this still amazes me. DSC_7905 Now, just look at the expression on that sweet face; like he’s saying “why did the train slide off the cake.

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