Appetizers/ Salads

Sesame Avocado Boats

Wow, it has been a long time since I posted a recipe!

What’s new with us that has kept me from cooking (almost) or posting. Well, we moved from The Woodlands about three months ago; first into a short term temporary apartment (we loved the Dipples place and really miss their cows). and then (about 3 weeks ago) into our long term temporary until we build a house. 

All my days for the last week has been showing up at Lollitop Sweet Shop that our son and daughter-in-law opened next to their soon to open Round Top Brewing. Yesterday morning was an early day 6:30 and did we ever bake. We had some Ham and Cheddar Biscuits, Sausage and Cheese Muffins, Cowgirl Cookies, Farmhouse Cookies, Raspberry Bars, a special order this morning for 60 muffins, a humongous Texas Sheet Cake waiting for customers tomorrow and all of this is surrounded by acres and acres of candy in this tiny 1800’s house that sits right next to the Brewery and just steps away from our “long term temporary” house.

So, about this recipe. Our friends, Peggy and Gordon visited while we were still living with the COWS and for brunch on Sunday I made these beautiful and delicious Sesame Avocado Boats.I saw this recipe first on Instagram and it led me to Wellandgood blog.  I made a couple of changes in the recipe and I can’t wait for someone to try it and let me know what they think.

BLAST FROM THE PAST:  (I have misplaced my notebook with all my post so that is next on my list to locate.)

Mix all the vegetables with the sauce.

I didn’t peel my avocado (per original recipe) the first time I made it and I thought it was a little hard to eat. I like it better without the peeling set upon some micro greens or a butter lettuce leaf.

I used pea shoots the first time. I am now growing my own micro greens and want to try my hand at growing shoots but I DO NOT have a green thumb.

I served this with our now world famous (or Round Top famous) Sausage and Cheese muffin and some mixed fruits. I can’t wait to make this rain.

Sesame Avocado Boats

Love the Asian flavor of this salad


  • 2 ripe avocados cut in half and peeled*
  • 1/4 c. edamame shelled (cook according to package)
  • 2 Tbsp. yellow bell pepper finely diced
  • 2 Tbsp. finely diced cucumber leave peeling on
  • 2 radishes sliced very thin
  • 1 Tbsp. sesame oil
  • 1 Tbsp. tamari
  • 1/4 tsp. wasabi powder or 1/2 tsp. wasabi paste
  • 1/4 c. sesame seeds toasted
  • 1 sheet toasted nori crumbled
  • micro greens to garnish
  • Lime wedges
  • Lettuce leaves


  1. In a small bowl, combine yellow pepper, cucumber, and radish. Cook the edamame according to package directions. Rinse with cold water to cool and add to bowl.
  2. In a separate small bowl, stir together the sesame oil, Tamara, and wasabi powder. Pour sauce over vegetable mixture and set aside.
  3. Pour the sesame seeds into a shallow dish. Cut the avocados in half, remove the pit and carefully peel the avocado. Cut a thin slice off the bottom of each half so the avocado will sit flat on a plate. Run the avocado halves under cold water and drain. This will help to prevent them from turning dark. Dip the cut side of the avocados into the sesame seeds so they are totally covered with sesame seeds.
  4. Fill the avocado halves with the mixed veggies and the sauce. Crumble the nori on top. Garnish with the micro greens.I like to squeeze some fresh lime juice over the top of each or serve the lime slices and let your guest do that. You can also drizzle a little extra sesame oil over the avocados.

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