Salads/ Side dish

Pickled Roasted Golden Beets

Love these golden beets!

My husband has always said he doesn’t like beets because they are red and he doesn’t like red food. Now that doesn’t make sense since he does eat catsup, tomatoes, etc. So I decided to make golden beets to use in a salad similar to one I had at Luke’s Restaurant in New Orleans. That recipe will come in a couple of days.

Usually the beets I eat are pickled. For years, that was the only thing I knew to do with a beet. And, of course, they were red beets that I pickled and they bled all over everything and if I wasn’t careful I would end up with a blood-splattered looking top.

After I started this blog I became more adventurous in trying new recipes. I’ve always liked cooking but never really went out on a limb to try different things. Then I tried fried beets once at East Side Kings in Austin and I made them almost immediately after returning home. My French Fried Beets with Japanese Mayonnaise is one of my favorite appetizers; I now cut them in slices and not chunks like ESK make their’s. Then my next adventure in beets was with my Roasted Beet Napoleon; stacks of deliciousness. And, who could pass up my Pink Heart Egg Finger Sandwiches where I used the beet juice to dye my hard-boiled eggs then cut tiny beet hearts as a garnish for the egg sandwich.

The day I made these golden beets, no splatters of red on my top, no red fingers, and no red splatter on counters and dish towels. So, if you like beets, take a walk on the wild side and try one of my recipes or try them raw, in salads, pickled (of course), roasted, fried, on sandwiches, or even make pasta out of them. Beets are very high in vitamins and minerals so you won’t feel guilty eating a few extra helpings.

These beets were so big you could use them for soft balls. I could not find any smaller so I cut these in fourths and wrapped in foil and roasted them. They turned out beautiful and I can’t wait to share the Salad Luke recipe with you in a couple of days. I think you will love it.

BLAST FROM THE PAST: Smoked Salmon on a Chip is one of the easiest appetizers you can make for a quick summer treat.


Look at the size of these beets! I would have rather have smaller ones but this is all Whole Foods had the day I shopped.


Mix the vinegar, sugar and spices together and bring to a boil; cook until sugar has dissolved.


These beets were wrapped in foil and baked at 400° for about an hour or until tender.


Peel and slice the beets into 1/4″ slices.


Pack the beets, loosely, into clean, hot jars.


Pour the hot liquid over the beets leaving about an inch space at tom. Wipe off the rims of the jars and put on the lids and rings. Tighten. Cool at room temperature until you hear that magic “ding” saying, we are ready to store.


Love, love, love these beets.

Pickled Roasted Golden Beets
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  1. 3 lbs. golden beets
  2. 3 c. apple cider vinegar
  3. 1 tsp. kosher salt
  4. 1 c. sugar
  5. 1-2 tsp. pickling spices
  6. 5 whole cloves
  7. 5 whole allspice berries
  1. Preheat oven to 400°. Wash and dry the beets and wrap individually in aluminum foil. Place on baking dish and bake until tender. 30 minutes to an hour. (My beets were the size of a softball and I cut into fourths and still took almost an hour to get tender.) Once they are done, unwrap and remove the skins. Slice into 1/4" slices the size that will fit into your jars. Pack the beets into the jars leaving about 1" empty at the top.
  2. Boil some water in a saucepan and place the lids and rings in pan. Have your jars washed and dried and ready to fill with your beets.
  3. Bring the cider vinegar, sugar, salt and spices to a simmer. Simmer for about 5-6 minutes then pour the hot liquid over the beets.
  4. Wipe the rims of the beet filled jars and put the dried lids and rings on and tighten but not too tight. After the jars cool, you will hear a little "dink" sound and that is the jars sealing. You can store in the refrigerator or pantry. Ready to eat in 2 days.
  1. I put my three jars of beets all into the refrigerator instead of the pantry. I used my pickled golden beets in my Salad Luke. Just eat and enjoy.
Rosemary and the Goat

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