You will be yelling “give me some more”!
A bowl full of delightful chocolate.
What is your earliest memory of a S’more? I think mine would have to be maybe at day camp with my brownie troop and we were all holding sticks over the campfire until our marshmallows got just the most perfect toasty brown color and then hurrying to put the chocolate and graham cracker together with the melted gooey marshmallow to make the most delicious sandwich you’ve ever had. Oh, I can almost taste them now.
Were you one of those kids (or adults) that once your marshmallow caught fire you waved it around trying to put out the flames only to have them burn to a crisp. That is my favorite way to do a marshmallow – burnt. Can you think of a dessert, as delicious as a S’more, that you can pack right in your suitcase and have where ever you go. In the past, I have packed all the ingredients for a ski trip and then roasted the marshmallows over an open fireplace. Even if you have to nuke it in a hotel room microwave, just think you will have a hot, yummy dessert before you jump in bed and oh what sweet dreams you will have.
How about a s’more on top of a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate, what a dunkable. Or, a bowl of steaming oatmeal with broken pieces of chocolate, graham crackers and marshmallows covering the top. I recently found this S’more Cup recipe and can’t wait for the opportunity to try it out and also this S’more Dip which would be a hit with any kids or the ones of us who are still kids at heart.
I have seen so many variations of S’mores over the years. Have you ever tried one with a York peppermint patty, Reece’s Peanut Butter Cup, or even an Almond Joy. Well, this recipe is another version. S’more Chocolate Bark is so easy to make and makes the perfect little gift to give guests. I recently did some for a brunch and gave to everyone to take home for their ride back to Austin.