A fisherman’s tale. (by George)
Since this dish would not be possible without the fish my husband caught I decided maybe he should be the one to write his fisherman’s tale.
NOTE: My Corn Dog Shrimp recipe just got picked up by Delish.com. They linked back to my website. Hopefully that will give me more traffic.
A fisherman’s tale — by George.
We were hoping to get into some yellow fin tuna as more are caught here than anywhere but after catching our live bait near a nat gas platform and then a 40 mile ride out to the deep blue gulf waters (around 1500 feet plus) and hours of very hard fishing we gave up and starting trolling for Mahi Mahi. The highlight was when 3 of them all hit at exactly the same time. The reels seemed to spin out of control and we learned first hand how fast and strong these fish really are. It’s hard to describe how vibrant their colors are in the water. Unfortunately for us that was all we would land for the rest of the day. We blamed it on the weather – what else?
Most people think you only catch them in Hawaii but Mahi Mahi is a type of saltwater fish commonly found in warm coastal waters around the world, including Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and even some parts of Australia and yes – the Gulf of Mexico.