Dessert/ Pies/Tarts

Raspberry Cheese Pie

Hurry up November! I want a piece of this pie.

I can’t wait for my daughter’s wedding this weekend; the last of my three kids to get married and the only daughter. I have dreamed of this day for years maybe even since the day she first made her appearance on this earth.

I remember as a kid having dolls and my favorite doll, I think, was my Bride’s doll. All decked out in her long dress and veil. I just loved playing with her. Now, watching my daughter plan her wedding (and believe me, she has done most of the work), all I can think about is what shouldn’t be going into my mouth. I have been trying to be good over the last several months, giving up desserts and wine and a lot of other things.

Other than dreaming about the wedding, my other dreams are consumed with what I’m going to EAT after the wedding. I’m making a list of things I really want. Top of my list is a burger on a real bun covered with cheese, chicken gizzards next on the list, maybe a doughnut or two (one usually makes me sick), and then of course there’s dessert. So, I may take a bite of this pie just so I can experience the berry goodness, but once the wedding is over, I’m having a whole piece. Maybe I will take a whole day and just eat everything I want and get it over with.

I love raspberries and anything made with raspberries. Remember all those raspberries I bought this summer. Well, I have been hoarding them in my freezer and I think it is about time I start using some of them.

Pretty simple ingredients.

Nut crust. I think next time I might add half graham cracker crumbs and half nuts.

The sauce is as simple as boiling the fruit and sugar.

One of my many gadgets I bought while working at WS.  This worked great for getting the seeds out of the sauce.

Stir in the additional raspberries for a wonderful sauce to top your pie.

You can see the vanilla bean paste in the cheese mixture.

Raspberry Cheese Pie


  • Crust:
  • 2 c. pecans lightly toasted (8 oz.)
  • 1/3 c. light brown sugar
  • 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp. ground clove
  • 1/4 c. unsalted butter melted
  • Filling:
  • 16 oz. cream cheese room temperature
  • 1/2 c. whipping cream
  • 1/2 c. sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • Topping:
  • 1/4 c. water + 2 tsp.
  • 1 Tbsp. cornstarch
  • 4 c. fresh raspberries
  • 1/2 c. sugar


  1. For crust -- Blend pecans, brown sugar, cinnamon and cloves to coarse crumbs in food processor. Transfer to bowl. Mix in the butter. Mound crumbs in bottom of 9" spring-form pan. Cover with sheet of plastic and press crumbs firmly into bottom and up sides of pan. Chill 30 minutes.
  2. Preheat oven to 350. Bake crust until golden brown, about 20 minutes. Cool completely on rack.
  3. For filling: Use mixer, beat all ingredients in bowl until smooth, scrape down sides of bowl as you go. Pour filling into crust. Cover with plastic and refrigerate until firm,. 4 hours.
  4. Topping: Mix 2 tsp. water with cornstarch in small cup. Stir 2 1/2 c. berries with sugar and remaining 1/4 cup water in heavy medium saucepan over medium heat until sugar dissolves. Increase heat and boil until berries are thoroughly crusted and have exuded their juices, stirring frequently, about 5 minute.s Add cornstarch mixture and boil until slightly thickened, stirring constantly, about 1 minute. Strain through sieve set over large bowl, pressing on solids with back of spoon. Cool sauce, then cover and refrigerate until well chilled. Mix remaining 1 1/2 c. berries into sauce. Cut pie into wedges. Spoon berry sauce over and serve.
  5. Note: I think the crust might be better if graham cracker crumbs were used in place of half the nuts. Next time I may fold in some raspberries with with the cheese mixture.

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  • Reply
    Donna Leibert
    October 17, 2011 at 7:13 am

    Hi Sherry, The pie was wonderful with the nut crust. I wouldn’t change a thing. Also, I made the Cream Cheese and Ham Biscuits, the Sweet Potato and Ham Biscuits, and the Chocolate Toffee Scones for a party on Saturday. They were all very easy to make and delicious and were a big hit with everyone there. I also made the Asparagus Quiche from you cookbook and it is always a hit. Thanks for sharing. D.

  • Reply
    October 17, 2011 at 3:16 pm

    Hi Sherry,
    What a lovely pie. Congratulations on your daughter’s wedding.

  • Reply
    Bon pierce
    October 21, 2011 at 3:02 am

    This looks great and I’m making it this very minute. You mention vanilla bean paste in talking about it ,but the ingredients list vanilla extract “quartered”. What does that mean? Also in the topping you list sugar “pan”. Something I’m missing?


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