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caramel nut mousse

Dessert/ Desserts/ Ice Cream

Chocolate Mousse with Salted Caramel Ice Cream

Wedding Bliss!

Ok, I’m sitting here writing this blog after a long day of wedding dress shopping with my daughter and my daughter-in-law.

After a morning of shopping and my FIRST bridal shop and then lunch at Waltons Fancy and Staple (Sandra Bullock’s restaurant) we went to our second and then third bridal shops. WOW! is all I can say.

I had my first son in 1973 and then my second in 1976 and I love them dearly, but oh how I wanted a little girl who I could take shopping, curl her hair and dress up in pretty pink dresses and dream of a wedding someday when I would be able to watch her try on wedding dresses. Well, she is now a grown, beautiful young woman and is the apple of our eye and a twinkle in her fiance’s eye.

Well, this was the weekend.  It was so hard because every dress, absolutely every dress, was beautiful on my daughter. By the end of the day she had narrowed the dresses down to 2 maybe 3 dresses and I still  don’t think I could pick a favorite. I know she will be beautiful in it the day of her wedding this October.

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