Love those rainbow vegetables!
Anytime I see any rainbow colored vegetables they end up in my shopping basket. The last time I was at Central Market I snatched up some rainbow radishes; shades of purple, pink, reds and whites (and even black) were just waiting for me when I cruised the produce section. These beautiful rainbow carrots yelled out at me while walking through Whole Foods in Austin one weekend when we were there visiting our daughter and her family. At the time, I did not have any idea for these other than slicing them up in a salad and how boring would that have been.
So Thanksgiving eve morning I’m cruising the internet and came across this beautiful recipe from and knew MacKenzie Smith’s (2 time Food Network Champ) recipe would be a hit at our Thanksgiving meal. Thank you MacKenzie for sharing this recipe. I will definitely be “lurking” your blog for more yummy ideas. (Note: it took my green beans forever to even get close to being tender and if I ever did these again I would probably blanch for 6-7 minutes before roasting.) Good dish but the green beans just tasted too undercooked. I decided that my green beans might have been about a week too old to use and I should have used fresher ones or even frozen.
I think we all could use a little more vegetables in our diets; I know we can because usually after baking/cooking most days I just want something quick to make and I’ve never been a fan of those quick fast, 2-3 ingredient recipes. I like to cook and don’t mind spending the time in the kitchen cooking for the people I care for the most; wished I’d done better on this recipe but I will give it a second chance with some fresh from the market beans.
So, now that Thanksgiving is over, you should give this a try for your next family meal and pick up some of those rainbow carrots next time you see them.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to everyone.
BLAST FROM THE PAST: This Shrimp and White Bean Pizza is one of my favorite homemade ones we do on our Kamoto smoker. Hope you will give it a try sometime.
I kept the vegetables separate because the green beans, I knew, would take longer to cook.
After roasting until tender put on serving dish.
Toss with the lemon juice and olive oil and add the cheese at the end.
Roasted Rainbow Carrots and Green Beans
- 1/2 lb. carrots trimmed and cut in half lengthwise
- 1/2 lb. green beans trimmed
- 2 Tbsp. olive oil
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1/2 tsp. pepper
- 1/2 tsp. rosemary
- 1/4 c. pecorino or parmesan cheese grated
- 1 Tbsp. salty butter
- 1 Tbsp. lemon juice
- pinch crushed red pepper optional
- Preheat oven to 400°.
- Place the veggiest on baking sheet. I separated these on pieces of foil just in case one got done before the other. Drizzle with olive oil then toss with salt, pepper and the rosemary, (and crushed pepper if using). Spread the vegetables out on the sheet and place in oven. Roast for about 20 minutes until tende3r.
- Remove the sheet pan from oven and mix the vegetables together. Immediately toss with butter and drizzle with the lemon juice and half the cheese. Season with more salt and pepper to taste.
- Plate the beans and carrots and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Serve warm or room temperature.
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