Bread/ Egg Dishes/ Morning Foods

Quiche with Bacon and Peas

Moo moo here, moo moo there, moo moo everywhere.

We were in Warrenton (Texas) in October visiting our son and his family who just moved there from Austin to open a Nano Brewery in Roundtop sometime in the spring 2020.

They moved an old farmhouse on their property and have been renovating it for months now. We (mostly my hub) has been going over to help some. This week’s project was to put a gate up at the front of their property. My job was to make some drapes for the dining area along with cooking some homemade goodies to have in their freezer.

One day I decided to walk up and check the progress on the gate. The house is half a mile back from the road so I’m walking, walking, looking around, walking, eyeing the cows and bulls to see if they were going to “charge” me. I imagine me laid out on the road crushed by a big cow when the guys come back from working on the gate. I think I need to get use to those cows and country life.

The weekend we were there was Round Top’s Octoberfest celebration. There was a lot of food like sausages grilling on an open fire that were at least 20″ long, sauerkraut, pork chops, homemade soft pretzels, lots of homemade baked goods and plenty of German beers. There were several drinking games which were a lot of fun to watch. I don’t like beer so I just enjoyed the wine and food. We went to the Blacksmith Shop’s dinner on Friday night and the food was delicious, big chunks of beef (tenderloin I think), delicious sausages and several things other people brought. The potato salad was especially good and I can’t forget the desserts. It was fun prowling around his shop looking at the things he makes. The blacksmith shoes a heck of a lot of horses here in south Texas driving a thousand nails a week he said. I have a project I want to talk to him about soon and I just know he can make it for me.

So for my first farmhouse breakfast I wanted to make quiche and what better recipe than one I had seen on “Girl Meets Farm” show on FoodTV. Full of bacon and green peas and eggs and of course cheese. I decided to top ours with some crisp kale that I baked in the oven and did some little tabasco hearts around the side of the plate. I made my own favorite quiche crust instead of the refrigerated one the recipe called for.

Hope you will give these a try and I promise to keep everyone posted about the comings and goings at Round Top Brewery when it opens.

There is a picture below that my GS Milo (10) took one morning when he was out on the property in a golf cart with his other grandfather (Bobba). It’s a beautiful picture and reminds me of the cows I saw every morning looking out their kitchen window.

BLAST FROM THE PAST: Something good to go with these quiche would be my Frozen Fruit Salad Cups that you can have in the freezer, remove, partially thaw for a slushy side for breakfast.

I had my pie crust made and pressed in the pans and frozen to take over. So all I had to do was put the quiche ingredients together. You can always use a prepared pie crust which Girl on the Farm used but I prefer my own recipe.

Beat the eggs, cream and spices in a bowl until blended.

Grate the gruyere cheese right into the bowl with the eggs and cream.

Fill the tart shells about 1/4-1/2″ from top of crust.

Bake until brown and a pick inserted comes out clean.

These just pop right out of the molds. Add some drops of hot sauce and drag a toothpick through them to make little hearts.

Couldn’t wait for that first bite.

Isn’t that a beautiful picture that Milo took.

Quiche with Bacon and Peas


  • 6 slices bacon
  • 5 eggs
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 teaspoon sweet paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 cup frozen peas
  • 3 ounces shredded Gruyere cheese
  • pie crust or use refrigerated pie dough
  • Nonstick cooking spray
  • 1/2 bag kale cut in large pieces


  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. Put a few drops of olive oil on the kale and put on a foil lined cookie sheet and back until crisp, 5-10 minutes.
  3. Add the bacon to a medium skillet, turn the heat to medium high and cook until browned and crispy on both sides, about 7 minutes. Drain on paper towels, then dice. Set aside.
  4. To a medium bowl, add the eggs, heavy cream, paprika, cayenne, Dijon and some salt and pepper; whisk to combine. Add the bacon, peas and Gruyere; fold to combine. Set aside.
  5. Make the pie dough and either press into 6 4" tart pans with removable bottoms or press it into a pie pan. My recipe is one that is pressed into the pan not rolled out.
  6. Divide the egg mixture between the 6 pie dough cups or empty into unbaked crust lined pie plate. Bake until just set, about 30 minutes. Let cool slightly before serving. May take a little longer if you do a whole pie instead of the individual ones.
  7. Turn out onto plate an garnish with some crispy kale and hot sauce.

Recipe Notes

Note: next time I make this I'm going to use some crispy pork belly in place of the bacon.

Quiche Crust


  • 1 c. flour + 2 Tbsp.
  • 1 stick butter cut into small pieces
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 2 Tbsp. parmesan cheese
  • 1 egg beaten


  1. Add the flour and salt to food process. Add the butter and pulse a few times and then add the parmesan cheese and egg and pulse until it forms a ball. Flatten into disc and wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour or so. Remove from refrigerator and press into pan(s).

Recipe Notes

This is my favorite pie crust and I think you will love it too. Sometimes I don't refrigerate and it is easier to press out. Usually at this point I will either refrigerate the crust or freeze it and then all you have to do is pour in your quiche ingredients and bake.

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