What is easier than a stir-fry?
This dish started off as a sous vide steak. What’s a sous vide steak you say? Look at the link I just gave you because Chef Steps can explain it better than I can.
The Joule sous vide was a xmas gift from son, Scott and so far I’ve cooked an egg, steaks two different times and some coconut custards. In case you didn’t read the definition, sous vide is a way of cooking food in a bag in water. The pan or even plastic container is set on the counter, not the stove, and using an app on the phone, the thickness of the steak and desired degree of doneness is chosen and once you click set (1 1/2 hours) you walk away and don’t look back. Literally, you do not have to give it another look and my medium rare doneness that I chose was perfect. After removing from the zip-lock back, I simply gave it a quick sear on all sides in a hot skillet and it was ready to eat.
Ok, so you are thinking you need proof. My husband is the best bar-b-qer, fish cooker, any cooker in our outdoor kitchen. He could cook over an open pit blindfolded and get better results than I would get in one of my fancy skillet or pan inside the house. One weekend after watching thousands (not quite that many) of You Tube videos on how to use a sous vide stick we had a cook off. I had two 8 ounce filets. He seasoned his however he wanted, I put mine steak in a zip-lock bag with one tablespoon of olive oil, garlic cloves and a few sprigs of fresh thyme. I dropped mine in my preheated 129° water, set it for 1 1/2 hours and walked away. My husband waited until closer for my steak to be done and he started his steak on indirect heat on our new gas grill and he finished his on our infrared searing burner.
Drum rollllll…………Well, after searing my for 2-3 minutes on all sides in a very hot skillet, we cut into both steaks. Mine was absolutely perfect all the way through the steak. My husband’s was good but his was starting to turn a little gray around the edge and wasn’t cooked the same all the way through the steak.
BLAST FROM THE PAST: With St. Patty’s day right around the corner why not think about making this Irish Cream Cheesecake. It’s delicious and topped with shaved white chocolate.
My sous vide steak I did for super bowl and had plenty left over for this stir-fry dish.
Sauce ingredients. I used frozen garlic cubes; you could replace with 2 cloves of garlic.
Mix all the ingredients together except for the cornstarch and one tablespoon of water. After this is heated, stir in the cornstarch/water mixture.
Put about one tablespoon oil in large skillet. Heat until the pan starts to shimmer then add the onions, peppers and carrots. Saute for about 4-5 minutes.
Add in the broccoli and sugar snap peas and stir for just a few minutes.
Add in the sliced leftover steak.
The udon noodles only take about 4 minutes, drain.
Stir in the sauce and add the noodles and toss.

- 6-8 oz. left over "cooked" steak
- 1/4 c. soy sauce
- 1/2 c. water
- 4 tsp. cornstarch (with 2 Tbsp. water)
- 2 tsp. minced garlic (I used two frozen cubes of Durot)
- 2 tsp. fresh grated ginger or 1/2 tsp. ground ginger
- 1 tsp. toasted sesame oil
- 1 Tbsp. brown sugar
- 1 Tbsp. honey
- 1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper
- For the sauce mix the cornstarch with the 2 tablespoons of water and set aside. Put all other ingredients for the sauce in a pan and bring to a boil, reduce heat and stir in the cornstarch mixture whisking to prevent lumping.
- To start the stir-fry add about 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to a large pan. I used a flat bottom verses a wok. When the oil is hot add in the slivers of onion and saute a few minutes then add in the pepper strips, carrots and sauté for 2-3 minutes. Add in the sugar snap peas and the meat. Heat a few minutes to heat through and then add in the sauce. You can add more heat to it by adding a little more crushed pepper if you like things hot.
- I love udon noodles too; and I would suggest using one of the Japanese type noodles instead of a regular noodle. You could also serve the stir-fry with white or brown rice. If you don't have leftover steak just buy one ribeye or strip steak and cut it in small strips. Saute that in a little oil before starting the recipe.
- Any kind of veggie would be good with this -- zucchini, yellow squash, maybe even some eggplant for a different taste.
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