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Cheese Baked Olives

Appetizers/ HotApp

Cheesy Baked Olives

Yes, those olives…

After years of cooking and trying different recipes, all those old favorites got shoved to the back of the recipe box (don’t use one of those any more) or hidden away on my computer some place.

I always like thinking I can come up with new recipes from being inspired from things I’ve had in a restaurant or looking at someone else’s recipe and changing it up to “make it my own”. Don’t you just hate that saying “make it your own”. Most of the time after trying a recipe I will definitely change it up to suit our likes or dislikes.

So, this Cheesy Baked Olive recipe is something I made way, way, way back in the 70′s as a newlywed (that was 1969) for guest and it seems like they were always enjoyed. I’m sorry Cheesy Baked Olive recipe for forsaking you for so long in favor of other more trendy appetizers. And, I promise to make you more often.

I doubled the pastry for the olives since my jar had about 50 olives in it. I think the larger green olives that are stuffed with jalapeños or garlic would make a wonderful bite and you would definitely need more pastry to cover these olives. I think a little cayenne pepper would spice these up a little.

I have to apologize for the pictures. When I was making these I thought no one was going to want to try this old recipe so I snapped the pictures with my phone instead of getting out my camera, lights and tripod. So, please excuse the blurry pictures.

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