Bok, Bok, Bok, doesn’t that sounds like some kind of strange bird?
Ok, so it isn’t a bird. I don’t think I have ever eaten this vegetable until back in February when we had our annual dinner of golf husbands and their wives. Our golfers have come to call this “wife appreciation dinner” because we let them play so much golf. Not that they really need our permission to do so, but it’s always nice of them to take us to dinner.
(I’ve been saving a few recipes so while I’m having the knee surgery and the first couple of weeks of rehab I can use some things from my draft folder — so here’s the first, hope I’m up and walking soon.)
I used the bok choy under the mashed potatoes here and then topped the potatoes with a little brown butter. For our dinner that night we had a beef fillet on top of the potatoes. Really nice.