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Almond Slaw with Edamame

Crunchy vegetables and nuts, how easy is that.

Have you made any New Years resolutions yet? or I guess the question is DID you make any New Year’s resolutions and have you broken them yet?

Guess I could resolve not to go to so many movies a week, but why would I do that, I’m over 60 so why not go as often as I want (at least twice a week) until I run out of movies to watch. I could resolve to exercise more but I have to start doing that anyway because my sciatica problem is into its fifth month so why not try a little more moving around to see if it will get better.

I have not really made any other promises to myself than to try and simplify our meal times a little. I don’t mean make easy recipes with 2 or 3 ingredients; but I think I would like to start trying to make some kind of meat dish, or fish or chicken, probably on the grill since I won’t have to do that and make one side dish to go along with the main dish. How easy would dinner be every night if I were to simply make meat and a salad of some sort or throw a vegetable on the grill with the meat.

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