Cake/ Dessert/ Desserts

Snowball Cake

Winter might be over, but….

Winter may be over but this Snowball Cake can be served at any Spring or Summer dinner. No, it isn’t made from snow but looks like a big pan of soft fluffy ingredients and you won’t get “brain freeze” like we use to from eating snow cream.

This dessert was one of my mother’s favorites that she would make for us. I guess it is named “snowball” because of the color of the cake. I don’t remember if she made the angel food cake from scratch or from a box but it’s great no matter what kind of angel food cake you use.

Put angel food cake in any dessert and it lightens the calories by half. (That’s what I’m guessing and that’s probably not true.) I didn’t use the Dream Whip that my mother’s recipe called for but opted for whipping cream. When I make a dessert I want it to be delicious and luscious and have you wanting more, Dream Whip doesn’t do that for me, ya just gotta use the real stuff.

My sister and I had changed my mother’s Dream Whip in this dessert to Cool Whip which is better than Dream Whip but then neither is as good as a carton of rich cream, sweetened a little and whipped up into a light fluffy cloud of goodness.

This would be a fun dessert to get the kids to help with — let them crumble the cake into small pieces and they can help with the coconut sprinkling too.

Bunco was the receiving end for this dessert and it’s a good thing because if it were at my house I’d probably keep going back for more. Hope you will give this a try or if you have made this before, please leave a note down below (in blog, not facebook).

(Note: It was a big hit at bunco and everyone took some home. And, I’ve been on this diet since last July (down 32.6 lbs.) and hadn’t weighed in two weeks because We went to Hot Springs to meet my sister for the horse races and then our son and his family were here from chicago for their Spring break and I ate, ate, ate, candy, French fries, you name it I tried it. So I didn’t eat this cake the night of bunco because I was trying to make up for the bad things that went into my mouth the last two weeks. This morning I braved the scales and only gained .02 of a lb in two weeks. So what did I do, I went and had a piece of this coconut cake. Rich, delicious, soft, sweet, fluffy describes this dessert that my mother made and I probably have not made in at least 30 years. It was sooooo good. I’ll be good tomorrow.)

BLAST FROM THE PAST: My High School Cinnamon Rolls are delicious and would be great to serve to visiting overnight guest.


I used a pre-made angel food cake; a lot quicker than making one from scratch or from a box.


Crumble half of the angel food cake in the 9 x 11 pan. Cover with half the pineapple mixture (Sorry I didn’t get a picture of that, don’t know where the pic disappeared to.) then the other half of the cake and the rest of the pineapple mixture.


Whip the heavy cream with the powdered sugar and then spread on top of the cake.


Cover the top of the whipped cream with coconut and chill for 3-4 hours before serving. I made mine the day before and it was perfect.


Beautiful dessert which I topped with a strawberry fan.


Snowball Cake
Light and luscious, coconut, pineapple and whipped cream all mixed with pieces of angel food cake.
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  1. 1 baked angel food cake
  2. 2 1/2 c. heavy whipping cream
  3. 1 large can crushed pineapple
  4. juice of 1 lemon
  5. 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin
  6. 1 10 oz. package sweetened coconut
  7. 1/2 c. powdered sugar
  8. 1 c. sugar
  9. 1 c. boiling water
  10. 1/2 c. cold water
  11. 1 tsp. salt
  1. Dissolve gelatin in cold water; add boiling water and stir. Add lemon juice, salt and granulated sugar. Stir and add the crushed pineapple, along with the juice in the can. Refrigerate until thick and syrupy and has started to set a bit.
  2. Crumble the angel food cake into a 9 x 13" pan. Beat 1 cup of the heavy whipping cream until stiff peaks. Add in the cooled gelatin mixture. Spread half of the cake cubes in dish. Top this with 1/2 of the whipped cream mixture. Add remaining cake cubers then gelatin mixture. Whip remaining 1 1/2 cups of whipping cream with the powdered sugar. Spread over top of cake and sprinkle with coconut. Chill 3-4 hours.
  1. I made mine the night before I was going to serve and it was perfect.
Rosemary and the Goat

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  • Reply
    Susan Pennock
    April 7, 2018 at 10:00 am

    This cake is fabulous! I was one of the lucky ones at bunko to have a piece and one to go! I plan on making it soon for sure. Do you think blueberries, raspberries or some other fruit would work as well in place of the pineapple?

  • Reply
    April 8, 2018 at 11:43 am

    I think you need the pineapple because it is in canned syrup and that is part of the liquid. I think you could easily add strawberries or other fruit to the pineapple mixture. Let me know if you do that.

  • Reply
    Donna Kish
    September 4, 2021 at 9:47 pm

    My Mom used to make something like this when I was growing up but I never could find her recipe. I’m so excited to find this and give it a try to see if it tastes like I remember. I don’t recall the coconut however. She may have left it off.


    • Reply
      September 17, 2021 at 3:06 pm

      Hope you will give it a try. I love this dessert.

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