Egg Dishes/ Morning Foods

Sunday Morning Quiche

With or without a crust this is delicious!

Recently we had some old friends drop by on their way back to Nebraska (Chuck, Polly and their son) and we asked another couple from our past (Chevron friends Tony and Jane) who lives in The Woodlands to come over for brunch.

It was great catching up with each other and what better way to do it than sharing a meal. This recipe comes from another friend, Sally who now lives in Minnesota and one she shared with me back in the 70’s when we lived in Ft. Madison, Iowa.  Sally, if I have changed this recipe from the original, let me know. Sometimes I start straying off in another direction and lose my original recipe.

I just happened to have some orange scones in the freezer and had a jar of mandarin orange marmalade that I had made several months earlier. And, it never fails that I have a kringle from Trader Joes. So all I really had to do was made a fruit salad, bake the scones and do this quiche.

My kids always loved this quiche because it has boiled eggs and cooked sausage and then the usual quiche ingredients. When I make a quiche with a crust I ONLY use my quiche crust that also dates back to my Ft. Madison days. Hope you will give this a try sometime and if you do, please leave a note in “comment” section at end of recipe.

BLAST FROM THE PAST: My Fish Tacos with Jalapeño Creme Fraiche are great for an easy weekend meal.

Cooked sausage, bacon and hard boiled eggs makes this a hearty breakfast with or without a crust.

If you are not using a crust, sprinkle in half of the cheeses.

Brown the bacon and green pepper and I added the cooked sausage to this. If you are using raw sausage, brown it separate from the bacon to make sure the bacon gets crispy.

Sprinkle the chopped boiled eggs over the cheese.

Then top with the mushrooms and green onions and the sausage/bacon/pepper mixture. Mix your milk, eggs and ground mustard together and salt and pepper to taste. Pour this over the quiche ingredients and bake at 375° fort 45-55 minutes or until set in center.

I’ve made this the day before and just reheated day of serving.  When I’ve done it with a crust I have even baked and frozen then thaw and reheat when ready to serve.

Sunday Morning Quiche


  • 1 quiche crust use my recipe
  • 2 c. cheddar cheese grated and divided
  • 2 c. Swiss cheese divided
  • 4 slices bacon chopped
  • 3 hard boiled eggs chopped
  • 1/2 lbs. hot bulk sausage
  • 5-6 green onions thinly sliced
  • 1/2-3/4 c. chopped green pepper
  • 4 oz. can sliced mushrooms drained
  • 6 eggs
  • 1/2 c. milk or heavy cream
  • 1/4 tsp. ground mustaed


  1. If making a crust (I did this one crustless), line your quiche pan or pie plate with the crust and top with one cup of the cheddar cheese and one cup of the Swiss cheese. Top with coarsely chopped hard boiled eggs. Cook together the bacon, sausage, and green pepper. Drain well. Add in the sliced green onions. Spread this mixture over the bottom of the crust or in your crustless pan with other ingredients. Top with remaining cheese. Beat eggs with the milk and pour this over other ingredients. Bake at 375° for 45-55 minutes. Yields 6-8 servings.

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