Entree/ Pork

White Beans, Rice and Sausage

No, not Red Beans and Rice but White Beans and Rice!

Red beans and rice fan? I like red beans and rice but think I like the white beans and rice with sausage even better. Although, cheese doesn’t really pair that well with white beans so I may keep them both on my menu list.

My sister and I, from almost the day we were married, use to write down our menus for the week. I would not vary from what I had planned for the week. If I said I was having pork lo mean on a Thursday then that’s what I prepared. These days, I still make out menus for the week but hardly ever do I stick to a schedule because it seems like most of the time we end up going out to eat and that is usually for Mexican food or to local JW Steakhouse for fish or chicken night. If I want something really good and different I’m going to make it myself at home.

While visiting our daughter and family one weekend in Austin, her husband, Toby, told me about a guy neighbor friend who is from Louisiana and a white beans and rice with sausage dish. So, I had to give it a try and I’m glad I did. It’s a keeper and you hardly need a recipe.

Canned beans makes this super easy and if you keep sausage in your freezer then you are half way there. Hope you will give this a try and if you have any other variations, please leave a note below in comment section. I came across this recipe at emeals.com; maybe that means EASY MEALS which would be true. 

BLAST FROM THE PAST:  My Pink Heart Egg Finger Sandwich is such a cute, delicious sandwich for your tea party/luncheon/brunch.

See how easy all those ingredients look.

Chop all the vegetables up and have them ready. You can do this in advance if you have the time.

Saute the celery, onions and peppers for 5-6 minutes then add in the smoked sausage slices.

Add in the drained and rinsed beans and the broth and seasonings.

Simmering away for a few minutes.

Sorry about the shadows; this house we are renting has terrible lighting.

White Beans and Sausage


  • 3 cans great Northern or white Beans, drained and rinsed
  • 2 c. long-grain white rice cooked per package directions
  • 1 lb. smoked sausage sliced into circles then halved
  • 1 c. onion chopped
  • 1 green bell pepper chopped into 1/2" pieces
  • 1 c. thinly sliced celery
  • 3 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 48 oz. chicken broth
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1/2 tsp. dried thyme
  • 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 c. chopped parsley


  1. Cook the rice according to the package directions. Set aside.
  2. Heat a large skillet and add t5he olive oil then add the sausage pieces, onion, bell pepper, garlic and c celery. Saute until the sausages are browned and the vegetables are tender.
  3. Add in the white beans, broth, bay leaf, thyme and cayenne pepper. Bring this to a boil and then reduce heat and simmer 20-30 minutes. (I like mine to reduce down some. Stir in the parsley and serve in bowls over hot white rice.

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