Entree/ Sandwiches

English Muffin BLT Sandwich

BLT with a Twist on a homemade English muffin.

(I had second knee replacement done on Monday, 1st. and before that I was busy trying to get some things made while I’m recouping on the couch/bed. Hope you enjoy the things coming up in the next few weeks. See below for what’s coming.)

I love making bread and I have made everything from naan to French bread, but have never made an English muffin. So, when I was thinking about making this sandwich, I thought, why not make the English muffins from scratch.  I think they were a success and hope you will try them soon.

The days of pbj’s and grilled cheeses have long been gone from our house and we don’t often eat sandwiches unless of course they are pulled pork sandwiches, which I do have to repeat, for the gazillionth time, my husband makes the best.

I do on occasion have to omit that I crave a bologna sandwich with either mustard or mayo and a pile of potato chips crushed into the sandwich (that is the way my sister likes to make a sandwich — and it does add a nice crunch) or a liver cheese or brunsweigher sandwich on white bread and mustard. I know those are probably two of the worst kinds of lunch meat and bread available to mankind but what can I say, I like them AND it isn’t a sandwich that I would eat often. Just don’t tell me I can never have one.

This sandwich happens to be one that my twin sister and I use to make often as newlyweds. I loved making this sandwich because it seemed a little different than just some lunch meat thrown between two slices of white bread with some mayo or mustard added in for flavor. I added the micro greens to spice up the sandwich and even though it wilts slightly, it adds such a great peppery taste to the sandwich. This is a knife and fork sandwich and you don’t have to make your own English muffins, just buy them at the store and you can use any kind of greens if you can’t find micro greens.

(What’s coming in the next few weeks — Stephanie’s Magic Beans (from Girl and the Goat in Chicago), Parsley Fingerling Potatoes, Hawaiian Pork Sliders, Red Chard with Pine Nuts, Almond Cherry Clafoutis and November 1 my very best Cassoulet.) See I told you I have been busy. And I can’t wait to post my Pasta with Purple Cauliflower and Walnut Cream Sauce in November.

Ingredients for English muffins

Ingredients for sandwich.

The batter is light and thin enough to pour into molds.

The rings are sprayed and batter poured in.

Hardest part of cooking these was not to have the griddle too hot. I burned my first few.

Split the English muffins, toast, and spread with some of the pesto mayonnaise*. Top with micro greens or spinach leaves.

Next add slice of tomato, bacon strips and cheese. Ready for oven.

This one has colby jack cheese.

BLT with a Twist


  • bacon fried crisp
  • slices of American cheddar or Swiss cheese
  • micro greens arugula leaves, spinach, or  lettuce leaves
  • tomato slices
  • mayo aioli, or some type of sandwich spread (made some arugula mayo)
  • English Muffins split and toasted


  1. First, make or buy your English muffins. Have muffins, split, toasted and ready. Fried the bacon and set aside. To assemble this easy delicious sandwich, spread your mayo (or other spread) on the toasted muffin half. Top with some arugula leaves (or you could use a curly leaf lettuce). Top this with 3-4 slices of fried bacon. Add the slice of tomato, top with cheese and then put under the broiler until the cheese has melted and browned slightly.
  2. Have your knife and fork ready.
  3. English Muffins
  4. (adapted from recipe by Alton Brown)
  5. 1/2 c. non-fat powdered milk
  6. 1 Tbsp. sugar
  7. 1 tsp. salt
  8. 1 Tbsp. shortening
  9. 1 c. hot water
  10. 1 (.25 oz.) pkg. active dry yeast
  11. 1/8 tsp. sugar
  12. 1/3 c. warm water
  13. 1 c. hot water
  14. 2 c. all purpose flour, sifted
  15. non-stick vegetable spray
  16. In a bowl combine the powdered milk, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, shortening, and hot water, stir until the sugar and salt are dissolved. Let cool. In a separate bowl combine the yeast and 1/8 teaspoon of sugar in 1/3 cup of warm water and rest until yeast has dissolved. Add this to the dry milk mixture. Add the sifted flour and beat thoroughly with wooden spoon. Cover the bowl and let it rest in a warm spot for 30 minutes.
  17. Preheat the griddle to 300 degrees F.
  18. Add the remaining 1/2 teaspoon of salt to mixture and beat thoroughly. Place metal rings onto the griddle and coat lightly with vegetable spray. Using #20 ice cream scoop, place 2 scoops into each ring and cover with a pot lid or cookie sheet and cook for 5 to 6 minutes. Remove the lid and flip rings using tongs. Cover with the lid and cook for another 5 to 6 minutes or until golden brown. Place on a cooling rack, remove rings and cool. Split with fork and serve.
  19. *Cook's Note: Small tuna cans with tops and bottoms removed work well for metal rings.
  20. To use, split and toast. Great with citrus butter or cream cheese and jam. Or, use for the above sandwich.
  21. *Pesto mayo-- when I grow basil in my herb garden and have tons of it, instead of making expensive pesto I put the basil in food processor with a little olive oil, freeze in ice cube trays and then when frozen put in plastic freezer bags/container. When you cook anything that needs a touch of basil, you have some right in the freezer that was picked fresh from your garden.

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