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Roasted Serrano and Jalapenos on our Grill Partner

I Saw this grill at the Austin Food and Wine Festival and knew I had to have it.

We were at the Austin Food and Wine festival back in April this year and one of the vendors was doing sausages on this grill. My husband drug me over to see it and I knew that  we just had to have this for our backyard cookouts.

Over Memorial Day weekend we used this several times. First we did these sausages and peppers. Then we cooked (my son and husband did all the cooking on this) some serranos and jalapenos that we did in a little chicken broth and soy sauce and then roasted them on this grill. Believe it or not I found out how to take the heat out of the jalapenos. The first night we did them we could hardly eat them because they were so hot. Then I tried something I had read online and it worked. (more about that later.)

This grill works with sterno and can hold up to 8 of the large cans. We created some warm spots by just not having stero in some of the areas. We also heated up our pulled pork for the party on Memorial day. This grill is made by Don Strange Caterng in San Antonio. The guy I talked to at Don Strange told me that he uses his inside the house to cook breakfast. I can’t wait to try some bacon, eggs and pancakes on this grill.

We had smoked the pulled pork in advance, froze it, and the day fo the party took it out and reheated on our new Grill Partner.

We roasted some jalapeno peppers on this and they were delicious.

Roasted Serrano and Jalapeno Peppers


  • 1/2 lb. Serrano peppers
  • 1/2 lb. jalapeno peppers
  • 2 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp. tequila
  • 1/3 c. soy sauce
  • 1/3 c. chicken broth
  • 1/3 c. white wine
  • 1/2 tsp. garlic powder
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. You want to have gloves on for this part. I used my jalapeno corer and hollowed out the inside of the jalapeno peppers. I scraped until all the membranes and seeds had been removed. I then used  a finger and rubbed the inside of each pepper with olive oil and then I rubbed the insides with a little tequila. This technique is suppose to remove the capsicum on the inside of the peppers and this is where all the heat comes from. You can't really use the corer on the serranos so just cut them in half lengthwise and remove the seeds and membranes and use the olive oil and tequila on them the same as you id the jalapenos.
  2. Mix the chicken broth and soy sauce together and marinade the peppers in this mixture for about an hour. Then roast on grill top or grilling basked until blackened slightly. Enjoy!

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  • Reply
    John Varner
    November 9, 2019 at 6:09 pm

    correction. correct link to the wifes recipe. please give it a try! (Rancher’s Breakfast)

    • Reply
      November 12, 2019 at 8:41 am

      Glad you liked the recipe. Hope you will give others a try.

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