Side dish/ Vegetables

Roasted Brussel Sprouts Green Beans and Dates

Vegetables with dates? Yum!

Since moving to Round Top in July 2020 I have not been cooking as much as I use to and I guess that’s because I’m baking at Lollitop Sweet Shop (Paul and Brooke’s place) four days a week. There aren’t a lot of places to eat around here especially on Monday-Wednesday and one would think I would be cooking more at home, but I’m not. 

I’ve always enjoyed cooking my own meals and having friends over for dinner more than going out to eat. Recently (and this is the second time I have tried this service) I joined Martha Stewart and Marley Spoon’s meal boxes or whatever those plans are called where they send you all the food and you cook it.  Maybe those are meant for people who don’t want to shop for their groceries or don’t have access to a big grocery market. Well, that would be me, (now) but this service lasted three weeks before I cancelled. I would have to say I wasn’t happy with some of the meals I chose (tough meat or flavors a little off for me.)

I have enough ideas swimming around in my head so I just need to dust off the wooden spoons and spatulas and get cooking again. This recipe is one I tried out on Paul and Brooke one night when they came over for dinner. I love dates roasted along side vegetables and they add just enough sweetness that ya want to add some type of salty bacon or in this case prosciutto to balance off the flavors.

There are several Brussel sprout recipes on my blog and several recipes using dates. Do a little “searching” and you will find a few.  Heads up for my Date Nut Shake, it’s absolutely the best shake/dessert/snack.

Hope you will give this recipe a try either hot out of oven or even at room temperature it is a delicious side dish to go with any meal.

BLAST FROM THE PAST: This Very Berry Cake is another way to use some of those end of summer berries.

Get all your ingredients ready.

Blanch green beans for about 2-3 minutes then drain and put in ice back to stop the cooking process. Drain and set aside.

Chop the sun-dried tomatoes and set aside with other ingredients. You could throw in some cherry tomatoes if you have them instead of the sun-dried ones.

All ingredients ready to go in the oven.

I roasted the Brussel sprouts and onions for a few minutes before adding other ingredients. 


Roasted Brussel Spouts, Green Beans and Dates


  • 1 lb. Brussel sprouts
  • 1 lb. green beans blanch and string
  • 1 small red onion cut in slivers
  • 7-8 thin slices prosciutto could use bacon
  • 1/3 c. sliced sun-dried tomatoes
  • 1/2 slivered almonds
  • 1/2 cup chopped dates
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tsp. Kosher salt
  • Sauce:
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2-3 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 Tbsp. soy sauce
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp. Sriracha or hot sauce optional
  • 1 tsp. fish sauce optional
  • 2 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar


  1. Preheat oven to 425°
  2. Bake the proscuitto in 375° oven until crisp. Remove and chop in large pieces when cooled. Set aside.

  3. Cut the ends off the Brussel sprouts and cut in half. I tend to like to separate some of my leaves from the sprout because I like them to get a little toastier.
  4. Blanch the green beans in boiling water for about 2-3 minutes then put in ice water to stop the cooking. Drain and set aside.
  5. On a rimmed cookie sheet put the Brussel sprouts and onion. Drizzle about one tablespoon of the olive oil over sprouts. Bake in 425° oven for about 10 minutes. Stir the sprouts with a spatula add in the sun-dried tomatoes, almonds, dates and the blanched (drained) green beans. Drizzle with some of the sauce and roast for another 10 minutes until green beans or hot but still crisp. Remove from oven and if needed drizzle with more of the sauce.
  6. Add in the proscuitto before serving.

  7. Serve hot out of the oven or room temperature.

Recipe Notes

If you want you can add in the prosciutto the last 10 minutes of baking instead of baking it separately.

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