Dessert/ Pies/Tarts

Blackberry Cobbler with Cream and Pistachio Dust

Spiced whipped cream and some dust.

So you say “I make cobbler all the time”.  I’ve made many cobblers over the years and have made them with pie crust (usually homemade), I’ve used batter topping (not my favorite) and some with puffed pastry. My favorite remains pie crust topping because that’s how my mother and grandmother made cobbler.

When we were visiting my sister back in August she made a cobbler and simply cut prepared purchased pie crust into small squares and covered  the fruit and baked. How easy can it get? And, it was really good.

We had a fish fry one weekend and I wanted a Fall looking, Fall tasting, Fall smelling dessert. So I bought several kinds of berries and decided to use some of my creme de mure (see picture below) I had bought for my Blackberry Bramble cocktail and add it to my cobbler. It couldn’t be just any cobbler it had to look and taste like Fall and not a summer berry desert.

So, I cut my store bought pie crust into leaf shapes and covered the berries then I made a spiced whipped cream which made this dessert very special because it had some of the warm spices that you put into pumpkin pie. And, to top it off I made some pistachio “dust” in my Magic Bullet.  I may put this on our Christmas menu and use Santa cut outs for the topping. Also, try this spiced whipped cream on your apple or pumpkin desserts; if you do leave out the Creme de Mure.

BLAST FROM THE PAST: It’s that time of the again to start thinking about holiday treats. This Pecan Divinity was my mother-in-law’s (Mema) favorite thing to make during the holidays.

The spiced whipped cream ingredients.

Mix the berries with the cornstarch and sugar and put in oven proof baking dish.

I used a prepared pie crust and cut out leaf shapes using cookie cutters.

Cover the top with your cut-out shapes leaving a few holes for the juices to bubble through.

Put the heavy whipping cream in a chilled bowl and start beating until you get soft peaks then add the Creme de Mure and the spices and powdered sugar and beat until you have stiff peaks. Chill until serving time.

Bake until the crust is nice and brown. This is a little under baked because I planned on reheating in oven before serving.

Serve up in bowl and top with spiced whipped cream and/or ice cream.

Fruit Cobbler with Cream and Pistachio Dust


  • 7-8 c. blackberries blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.
  • 3/4 c. granulated sugar
  • 4 Tbsp. cornstarch
  • 2 Tbsp. blackberry liqueur such as crème de mure (optional)
  • 1-2 store bought pie crust rolled out and cut into leaf shapes or other shapes

For Spiced Blackberry Cream:

  • 8 oz. heavy whipping cream
  • 2 Tbsp. powdered sugar
  • 1/8 Scant tsp. nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp. ground mace
  • 1 Tbsp. Creme de Mure blackberry liqueur optional
  • finely ground pistachios I did in my magic bullet until they were dust


  1. For the filling, put the fruit in a bowl and sprinkle over the caster sugar and cornstarch. If you want to use some extra blackberry liqueur here, toss about 1-2 tablespoons with the fruit before adding the sugar and cornstarch. Pour all the fruit into a large enough oven proof baking dish to hold all the fruit.
  2. For the top crust you can either just cut the pie crust into little squares or do like I did in this one and cut out little leaf and acorn shapes. Scatter these over fruit entirely covering surface then sprinkle with a couple of tablespoons for granulated sugar. Bake at 400°for 30-40 minutes or until fruit is bubbling and the crust is nice and brown.
  3. For the spiced cream: Whip the cream in a bowl until you have soft peaks then drizzle in the one tablespoon of blackberry liqueur. Continue beating and add in the powdered sugar and spices and whip until you have stiff peaks. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
  4. I made the pistachio dust by putting a handful of nuts into my Magic Bullet and blended until it was "dust".
  5. To assemble, scoop serving of cobbler into large bowl or plate, top with the whipped spiced cream and sprinkle with some pistachio dust. I garnished with some extra "acorn" cutouts. Could also serve with with and/or ice cream.

Recipe Notes

Bon Appetite!

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Linda Sieber
    October 23, 2018 at 6:32 am

    Love the leafy looking crust.

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