Entree/ Game

Fig Basted Cornish Hens

Oh, what good things come from cleaning my refrigerator.

So today I decided that it was time to clean my refrigerator. I don’t know about you, but I tend to find food hiding away under or behind things that I don’t even remember buying. I found a couple of swiveled up lemons, a really mushy tomato, some bottles of stuff that should have been thrown away months ago except for the fact that they calling to me every day “use me”…. and  I kept telling myself one day I was going to use them. Well, that day never came; so today I filled my trash can right before a hungry garbage truck pulled up to my curb.

But, tucked away in all this refrigerated garbage, I found a nice jar of fig preserves, one perfect lemon, some soy sauce and I knew I could come up with something to make with those ingredients and I also found two Cornish hens in my freezer — so dinner in the making.

Oil and sprinkle with fresh chopped rosemary.

My husband cooked these on our new gas grill. Yes, another grill. Hopefully this one will last us longer than 3 years.

Fig Basted Cornish Hens


  • 2 Cornish Hens split in two
  • 3 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp. fresh rosemary chopped
  • 3 Tbsp. fig preserves
  • 1 1/2 tsp. balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp. soy sauce
  • juice of one lemon


  1. Mix the fig preserves with the balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and lemon juice.*
  2. Wash and split your Cornish hens (or use bone-in chicken breast). Mix the olive oil with the chopped rosemary and baste the hens. Grill or bake hens. Baste with some of the fig mixture halfway through baking time. Use the remaining fig mixture and baste breast side up hen again in the last 10 minutes.  I think my husband cooked these about 30 minutes on the grill.
  3. *I decided after making this that I would like to have more fig taste and the next time I make this I will make extra fig glaze and have it on my plate for a dipping sauce.

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