Browsing Tag:

fig preserves

Appetizers/ ColdApp

Prosciutto Rolls with Fig Preserves

What delicious foods we have been eating here in France.

These are as delicious as they look and is one of the recipes I made before leaving for France.

I was hoping to post pictures of what we are eating in France each day but I’m not sure if I will be able to figure out my new iPad (got it the day we left for Paris and I was in line at the Apple store at 7:00 a.m.) before I get there.

So, here we are in France and this is our last day. We are back in Paris and will be leaving tomorrow. We have tried our best to try some of everything they had to offer.

In one of my Saveur magazines recently was a special supplement on The Wines of the Rhone Valley and my first thought was “hey, that’s where we are staying our second week in France” and one of our day trips will be to go check out the wineries in the Rhone Valley area. This recipe was in a supplement to the magazine and I’m not changing one thing about it. Why mess with perfection.

The wine that was paired with this appetizer was Cotes du Rhone Coup de Coeur: Domaine de la Janasse, 2010 (a white)

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Entree/ Game

Fig Basted Cornish Hens

Oh, what good things come from cleaning my refrigerator.

So today I decided that it was time to clean my refrigerator. I don’t know about you, but I tend to find food hiding away under or behind things that I don’t even remember buying. I found a couple of swiveled up lemons, a really mushy tomato, some bottles of stuff that should have been thrown away months ago except for the fact that they calling to me every day “use me”…. and  I kept telling myself one day I was going to use them. Well, that day never came; so today I filled my trash can right before a hungry garbage truck pulled up to my curb.

But, tucked away in all this refrigerated garbage, I found a nice jar of fig preserves, one perfect lemon, some soy sauce and I knew I could come up with something to make with those ingredients and I also found two Cornish hens in my freezer — so dinner in the making.

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