Browsing Tag:

fall desserts

Cake/ Dessert/ Desserts

Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake

One delicious beautiful cheesecake.

Over Thanksgiving my daughter Alexis wanted to make this cheesecake to take to a family dinner. She had a great looking recipe and we decided to make two; one for her and one for us. I’m so glad we did, it was absolutely delicious; smooth, creamy and just the right amount of sweetness.

I’ve never been a fan of pumpkin pie. I make it almost every year and maybe one or two pieces are eaten and then the garbage disposal gets the rest. That did not happen with this dessert. It’s still around a few days later and getting eaten. I think I’m going to freeze slices for hub so he can enjoy it when he’s whining for something sweet; he doesn’t really whine though.

Grandson, Thomas was on hand to help stir. He told me when he arrived at our house that he wanted to learn to cook; music to this Grans ears. Thanks Thomas for your help and you can come cook in Grans kitchen anytime you want.

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Dessert/ Desserts

Apple Fritters with Crème Anglaise

Nothing says Fall more than something made with apples!

What Fall has meant to me all this year was that my daughter was getting married. The wedding was last weekend and it was the most beautiful, special weekend any mother could imagine. The bride and groom were so happy and the venue (Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center) was wonderful. Lots of fall flowers and grasses still in bloom and looking gorgeous. But not nearly as gorgeous as my daughter walking down the isle to meet her future husband with family and friends there to celebrate. All the planning and decision making is over so I guess it’s time to get on to other things. I’m thinking about going back to culinary school and finishing what I started years ago. Or, enrolling in some camera classes at our local college. So until then, I guess I will start cooking a little more. I think my husband is ready for some good comfort food.

When I think of Fall I think of apple picking time and one of my kid’s field trips when we lived in Iowa and how we went to pick apples with a whole bus load of screaming kids. The crisp morning air was wonderful and the smell of apples just made you want to run all the way home and make an apple pie.

I love the signs of Fall like apple picking, pumpkins growing in the fields (another field trip) and the crunch of beautiful colored leaves below your feet, the maple trees starting to show some color on your long drives through the countryside or just that leafy autumn smell filling the air was enough to have me in my kitchen wanting to cook something comforting. And, I just love it when I actually need to grab a jacket before going out (normally doesn’t happen in Texas until maybe December, but it happened this morning).

This particular recipe came from a dinner group we belonged to while living in Iowa back in the late 70’s/80’s. We made some of the best friends while living there through church and Welcome Wagon. There wasn’t a lot to do in the winter there, so to get together with friends for a great meal and enjoy all the snow from inside in front of a crackling fire was just so comforting.

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