
Marinated Slaw

A Mamaw recipe.

I have posted plenty of slaw recipes here. Cole Slaw and just Slaw. We’ve had that discussion before about whether something is a cole slaw or just plain old slaw.

Mamaw was my sister’s husband, Gary’s, grandmother. I remember meeting her maybe just once but I have been cooking some of recipes for 45 years now. Wow, that really says something about those old recipes that get passed down in families. The only recipe for Banana Bread that I will ever make is Mamaw’s. I’m not even related to Mamaw’s but I can imagine the dinners she use to cook for all her family.

I think slaws can go with just about any type of meal. I made this Marinated Slaw one night with bar-b-q pork steaks that my husband does; and he does the best ones ever. We have them cut over 1″ thick and he smokes them on the Kamoto Joe Smoker. I did baked sweet potato slices with a rosemary butter drizzled over top, and of course, deviled eggs.  We can never have bbq without deviled eggs.

The best thing about this slaw other than the sweet/sour taste and the crunch is the fact that it will last over a month in the refrigerator.  Now you don’t have to throw out all those other coleslaw/slaws the next day because they are soggy.

What is one of your favorite recipes passed down through your family?  Please leave comment below if you can think of one.  Thanks 🙂


Chop up your peppers and other ingredients.


You can chop your cabbage as coarse or fine as you want.


After everything is chopped, pour the cooled dressing over ingredients and toss. Refrigerate a couple of hours to chill.


Marinated Slaw


  • 3/4 c. vinegar
  • 1 c. sugar
  • 25 drops Tabasco sauce that is not too much
  • 1/4 c. water or juice from 1 jar pimento
  • 1 medium jar chopped pimento
  • 1 large lead cabbage chopped finely or medium dice
  • 4 ribs celery chopped coarse
  • 1 bunch green onions sliced thinly
  • 1 small green bell pepper
  • 1 small red bell pepper or you could just use 2 small green which is what her recipe calls for


  1. Heat the vinegar, sugar, Tabasco sauce and water until the sugar is dissolved. Cool and then pour over all the chopped ingredients.
  2. This salad will keep for over a month in the refrigerator.


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