
Potato, Carrot and Parsnip Soup

Beautiful fall colored soup!

I confess! I’m a pilferer of recipes (sometimes). Today, I thought about making some good old potato soup but then why should I stop with potatoes; so as usual, I look through my refrigerator to see what is hiding away just days from going moldy on me.

Today I was in luck because I found some baby carrots; so after a little web searching I found a recipe for a potato and carrot soup. I came across a good one at Food Network then continued looking and pilfering ingredients as I went along.

The one ingredient that I added that I did not see in other recipes was the one parsnip just waiting to be used before he headed to the trash. I remembered the sweetness the parsnip added to my Winter White Vegetable Soup and also to my Cauliflower Mash with Kale and thought it  would be great included in this recipe.

With cool days starting to set in and some of you may be having COLD days (I’m jealous), this soup will hit the spot on a cold (cool) fall/winter night. And, maybe, just maybe you still have some vegetables laying around since Thanksgiving that need to be put to use.

The garlic broth was a little too much along with the added garlic that was sauteed.

Potato, Carrot and Parsnip Soup


  • 2 Tbsp. olive oil or butter
  • 1 onion small dice
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • 3 c. shredded carrots
  • 5 c. shredded potatoes
  • 1 parsnip small dice
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1/2 tsp. thyme
  • 16   oz.  chicken broth
  • 3 c. Half & Half cream, or milk
  • 1/2 c. grated cheddar cheese
  • 4 oz. Velvetta cheese cubed (or just use more of the cheddar)
  • grated cheese for garnish
  • Sriracha sauce for garnish
  • sour cream for garnish optional


  1. Chop the onion in small dice. Add the olive oil to a soup pot and sauté the chopped onion and minced garlic for about 5-6 minutes. Add in the grated potatoes, carrots and parsnips. Stir in the chicken broth, bay leaf, and thyme; cover and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Remove bay leaf.
  2. When the vegetables are tender, remove about 1/2 of the soup and blend in food processor until smooth. Return to pot. Add in the Half & Half, 1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese and the Velvetta and heat until warm.
  3. To serve garnish with a little more grated cheese, a sprig of fresh thyme and I garnished with some fried carrot threads and a drizzle of Sriracha sauce. A small dollop of sour cream would also be nice.
  4. *Note: I tried grated carrots on hand grated. Way, way too much time spent there. I should have drug out my 16 cup food processor and I would have had it done in a minute. Oh well, I burned up a few calories anyway with the hand grating.

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    Butternut Squash Risotto with Crispy Pork Belly – Rosemary and the Goat
    October 15, 2019 at 9:43 am

    […] FROM THE PAST: This Potato, Carrot and Parsnip Soup will be perfect for one of those cool nights we have ahead of […]

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