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Belgian Wafflees

Breads/Biscuits/ Morning Foods/ Pastries

Bacon Belgian Waffles

What’s better than the smell of bacon wafting in air?

Someone told me once that sometimes in the bakery section of supermarkets they will fry bacon just so it will get people’s taste buds going.  Makes sense to me. It works every time my husband gets up before me which is ALWAYS and if he fries bacon you better believe I will get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen to find that big pile of crispy bacon; sometimes it is pork belly which is even better than bacon.

So, on to the waffle story. If I have told this story before, please forgive me; maybe all that anesthesia went to my head. Just blame it on the knees and my inability to get them back in working order. Anyway, my mother would often do waffles for Sunday night supper since we usually had a big Sunday lunch. Sometimes she would make just plain waffles and we would cut a big slab of ice cream and put between two hot off the waffle iron waffles and eat it with a fork as the ice cream ran all over the plate faster than you could sop it up with a waffle piece.

The other thing my mother would do was to put raw bacon across the waffle batter before shutting the lid of the waffle iron. There would only be one piece of bacon across every two waffles so that isn’t really all that much bacon; and certainly not as much as you would gobble up as it cooled and got crispy out of the frying pan. Back when I was doing technique classes at Williams Sonoma and we were demoing the All-Clad waffle iron. I told the group about the waffle story.  A year later one of the the attendees (a UPS lady) came in and said ” you know since you told me about putting the bacon on the waffles” my family won’t eat them any other way. So if you can’t trust a UPS lady, who can you trust. Try them you will like them.

I finally broke an old waffle iron I had had since we were married. I loved that waffle iron because you could reverse the plates and have a griddle on one side and waffles on the other. I broke down and bought an All-Clad Belgian maker (4 squares) and have made waffles several times with the bacon. If you like bacon, fry some extra to go on the side.

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