
Tomato and Arugula Salad

All those fresh summer vegetables in one salad.

Don’t you just love the taste of arugula? The peppery taste is delicious mixed with tomatoes and I love it on sandwiches in place of lettuce or sautéed a little bit and put into an omelette.

This salad was another idea I had one night when faced with a refrigerator full of vegetables and a brand new package of arugula and after looking on the internet I found others had beaten me to the punch or should I say, recipe. I used Bobby Flay’s Vinaigrette recipe but my own farm truck list of ingredients for the salad.

There’s nothing better than summer tomatoes and over the 4th of July, my son Paul brought a ton (not actually a ton) of tomatoes to me; so many he made 6 pints of roasted salsa that we can enjoy through the summer. I’m thinking when my husband is in the pool and wants a snack I can go pop open a jar of salsa and serve it to him pool side with some chips (not homemade of course).

I’ve gotten where I only buy English cucumbers, that is unless I can get the small pickling type. I love the deep ridges in the English cucumbers and they don’t have as many seeds on the inside and they looked so pretty in this salad.

So, if you are visiting a farmer’s market or even your grocery and see some really good tomatoes and these other ingredients, give this salad a try, I know you will like it. You could add some grilled chicken to the salad and have dinner in one dish.

BLAST FROM THE PAST: It Isn’t Always About The Food — is a blog I wrote about my husband doing dinner for me one night. At the time I was still working at Williams Sonoma and he cooked dinner. His cooking skills have come a long way since then; all I remember is that was one delicious meal.


Garden ripe tomatoes and avocado. The green tomatoes got fried for my Green Tomato Stack recipe.


I needed the avocado to ripen over night so I put it in a paper bag with some ripe bananas. The gas the bananas put off help to ripen avocados.


I have a spice toaster to toast my cumin seeds in. If you don’t have put put the seeds in a small dry skillet for 1-2 minutes.


Mix the tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, peppers and cilantro together.


Add in as much arugula as you want. I had some baby spinach also that I added. You can either mix it in or serve the tomato mixture on top of the greens.


Peel and pit the avocado then run under cold water for a second or two. Add to the salad.


When ready to serve, drizzle on some of the salad dressing and toss real good to coat everything. Serve immediately.

Tomato and Arugula Salad
Farm truck ingredients and a lime honey vinaigrette.
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  1. 3-4 large red tomatoes, cut into 1" cubes
  2. 1 large avocado, cut into 3/4" cubes
  3. 1 English cucumber, cut in half then slices 1/8" thick
  4. 1 red onion, 1/2" dice
  5. 1 -2 red, orange or yellow bell peppers (I had the mini ones) cut into strips
  6. 2-3 jalapeños, thinly sliced
  7. 1/2 c. cilantro leaves
  8. 1 small bag baby arugula
  1. 1/4 c. fresh lime juice
  2. 2 Tbsp. rice wine vinegar
  3. 1 Tbsp. honey
  4. 1 Tbsp. cumin seeds, lightly toasted
  5. 1/4 c. chopped fresh cilantro leaves
  6. 1/4 c. olive oil
  7. 1/4 c. vegetable oil
  8. salt and freshly ground pepper
  1. When you peel your avocado and dice it, if you will run it under cold water and drain it will not turn dark as quick.
  2. Cut up the tomatoes, avocados, cucumbers, peppers, onions and peppers.
  3. Mix up the dressing refrigerate until ready to toss the salad.
  4. When ready to serve add in the arugula with the tomatoes and toss with enough of the dressing to coat the vegetables.
  1. Whisk together the lime juice, vinegar, honey, cumin, and cilantro in a medium bowl. Gradually whisk in the oils until emulsified. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Do not use a blender to make this vinaigrette. -- Recipe for dressing Bobby Flay
  1. I used about 8 of the mini peppers in different colors. You can also put the arugula on a plate and top with the tomato/cucumber mixture.
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