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Peach Yogurt Topping


Peach and Strawberry Crunch

Summer is over but still love those peaches.

Summer might be over but we can still get some good peaches in the market.

Back in the summer I bought some delicious peaches and then when we went out of town I didn’t want to waste them and didn’t have time to peel and bag so I simply put them peeling/pit and all in the freezer. So when it was time to make this dessert all I had to do was thaw peach and sugar them.

My mother always made shortcake with pie crust not those little cakes you see hollowed out in the center always sitting next to the strawberries. For this fruit dessert I mixed strawberries and the peaches and added a little cinnamon and a little almond extract while the peaches were juicing out in the refrigerator.

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