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Fresh Fig & Port Sorbet

adapted from Ms. Adventures in Italy


  1. Remove the stems and hard bits from the figs and cut into quarters. Add figs, 1/4 cup water, and Meyer lemon zest to a sauce pan. As the mix is heated, add the zest of the Meyer lemon juice. Cook covered for 10 minutes or until the figs have softened and begin to break apart. Stir two or three times during the 10 minutes.
  2. Stir in sugar and cook uncovered until the figs begin to thicken and become syrupy (about 2-3 minutes). Remove from heat.
  3. Using a food processor or stick blender, puree the fig mixture. Remember, it’s HOT so use extreme caution.
  4. To the puree, add the 1 1/2 cups water, port, and juice of the Meyer lemon. I opted to user Meyer lemon as it’s fragrant but not overly acidic. I didn’t want the sorbet to be too tangy.
  5. Once the mix is cool, pour into an ice-cream mixer and mix according to your mixer’s directions. I let it run for about 25 minutes and it was semi-firm. Pour into a container and freeze until ready to serve.
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