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Parmesan Naan Breakfast Pizza



  1. Preheat oven to 400°
  2. Put the bubbled side of the naan up on a cookie sheet. Spread with the basil or pesto.
  3. Sprinkle on some parmesan cheese (could use mozzarella) and top with the steak and tomatoes.
  4. Push the steak and tomatoes around to make two spots per piece of naan for your eggs.
  5. Gently crack your eggs onto the naan (two per piece of naan). I used the steak and tomatoes to corral in the eggs so they didn't spread all over the place.
  6. Salt and pepper to taste and sprinkle with a little crushed red pepper.
  7. Put pizzas in oven and baked 10-12 minutes until the egg whites are cooked and yolks still a little runny.

Recipe Notes

https://serenityspaonline.com/1rbfv7c Notes If you can't find the Durot punch out basil cubes, just just some pesto or grind up some fresh basil with a little olive oil.
